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Date: 10/01/2015



Special Education Services

Indicate the special education and related services, supplementary aids and services, based upon
peer-reviewed research to the extent practical, that will be provided in order for this individual: 1) to advance
appropriately toward attaining the annual goals; 2) to be involved and progress in the general curriculum; 3) to
be educated and participate with other individuals with disabilities and nondisabled individuals; 4) to participate
in extracurricular and other nonacademic activities; and 5) by age 14, to pursue the course of study and
post-high school outcomes (living, learning & working).
Specially Designed Instruction: 100 minutes per Week
In general education setting: 0
Begin date: 10/01/2015

In special education setting: 100

Provider: Special Education Teacher

Due to his reading deficits in fluency,

will receive instruction in the special education classroom for an average
of 100 minutes weekly (two 40 minute sessions one week and three 40 minute session the next week) in the area
of reading fluency. He will be taught a variety of strategies such as phonetic pronunciation, repeat reading, and
phrase reading.
Specially Designed Instruction: 40 minutes per Day
In general education setting: 0
Begin date: 10/01/2015

In special education setting: 40

Provider: Special Education Teacher

Due to
reading comprehension deficits,
comprehension in a small group setting.

will receive specially designed instruction in the area of reading

Specially Designed Instruction: 40 minutes per Day

In general education setting: 40
Begin date: 10/01/2015

In special education setting: 0

Provider: Special Education Teacher

is in a co-taught English course. This course is designed by the special education and general education
teachers to insure that the student's needs are met.
Time and frequency provided: Test and Quizzes
Begin date: 10/22/2013

Provider: Special Education Teacher

reads below grade level,
will have all tests and quizzes read aloud in a small group setting. He will
also be given extended time (1 extra class period).
Time and frequency provided: Daily in all gen ed classes
Begin date: 10/22/2013
To accommodate

Provider: Special Education Teacher


will be seated in close proximity of the teacher.

Time and frequency provided: All English literature stories
Begin date: 10/22/2013

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Provider: Special Education Teacher

reads/comprehends below grade level, he will listen to English literature

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stories that are available on CD to assist him with reading.

Accessible Instructional Materials
Time and frequency provided: Once per week
Begin date: 10/22/2013

Provider: Special Education Teacher

Special education teacher will meet weekly with

during his study hall time to monitor behavior and discuss
appropriate actions and reactions to adult/authoritative directions.
Time and frequency provided: General Ed Classes
Begin date: 10/22/2013

Provider: Special Education Teacher

will have the option of removing himself from situations in which he feels that he might act inappropriately by
leaving the classroom and going to the special education room or counselor to cool down.
Support for School Personnel
Time and frequency provided: beginning of sem/after staffing
Begin date: 10/22/2013

Provider: Special Education Teacher

Each general ed. teacher will be made aware of

consultation services from the special ed. teacher.

accommodations for their class(es). They will be provided

Support for School Personnel

Time and frequency provided: <60 minutes/month
Begin date: 10/22/2013

Provider: Special Education Teacher

Special education teachers engage in joint planning for 1 hour or less per month with general education teachers
and/or para-educators to support involvement and progress in the general education setting.
Linkages/Inter-agency Responsibilities
Time and frequency provided: at the annual staffing
Begin date: 10/14/2014

Provider: Dept. of Voc. Rehab.

and his parent were made aware of and given information on Vocational Rehabilitation Services. If interested
in their services, they may ask the sped teacher or directly give a copy of
IEP to the Voc. Rehab. Counselor
to see if he qualifies for their services.
and his mom want to review the VRS information before making a
Time and frequency provided: on all District Wide Assessments
Begin date: 10/14/2014

Provider: Gen/Sped Teachers

will take the District-Wide Assessments at grade level. He will take the tests in a small group setting and have
all sub-tests read except for the reading comprehension and vocabulary sections with time constraints removed.
Time and frequency provided: Free reading books
Begin date: 10/14/2014

Provider: Special Education Teacher

is assigned the task of reading a book of his choice, he will be able to choose a book of high level
interest, but still at his reading level instead of his academic grade level.

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Transition Activities & Support

Time and frequency provided: 1 day annually
Begin date: 10/01/2015

Provider: Work Experience Coordinators

will be provided with the opportunity to attend the Transition Fair.

Minutes in school day: 407
Total minutes removed from general education per month: 1200
LRE: removal from general education: 15 % plus time in general education: 85 % = 100%
F Date Printed: 10/08/2015

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Copies: School, AEA, Parent(s)

July 1, 2015

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