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Of the Book

Having their poems translated into English has lately become a general trend for the
Bangladeshi poets. The latent goal here is reaching English-speaking readers, in other words
wider sections of poetry lovers. After all, English is the de facto global lingua franca today. In
independent Bangladesh, the volume of English translation of our literary output should have
been considerably large. Unfotunately, it did not happen.
Over the last few decades we have seen Bangla poems being profusely translated into
English. Critically speaking, except a few, most of the translation works finally turned out to
be inept and poor. The translators command of English is questionable, and at times the
poems meaning and essence get distorted. Stunningly, many of the translators lacked the
required knowledge of the poems original language --- Bangla. Many well-known translators
in the country, on occasions, end up being unable to translate Bangla poems into English to
the full satisfaction of English-knowing readers.
Against this unsavoury backdrop, we feel proud to have a handful of good translators in the
country. They have command of both Bangla and English. Saidur Rahman stands out among
them thanks to his dedication to the delicate job. He has translated the poems of the major
and remarkable Banglashi poets. Muzibul Haque Kabir is one of them.
Kabir belongs to the generation of the post-Liberation War poets of Bangladesh, who are also
regarded as the Poets of the Seventies. Over the last few decades, he has been writing wellknit poems on varying subjects. He is more mindful of form than content. However, it doesnt
mean he is averse to the portrayal of lifes vivid expanse and colourfulness in his work. But
Kabirs penchant for metrical discipline poses a challenge to the translator. One may find
little freedom here. Saidur Rahman has faced the challenge, brilliantly at that.
The book called Selected Poems by Muzibul Haque Kabir contains a total of .... poems. The
poems time of composition and publication spans over three decades. Due to his deep
acquaintance with Kabirs work since long, Saidur Rahman has not had much trouble getting
into the essence of the poems. Here lies a greater part of the books distinctiveness.
The collection, undoubtedly, adds to Saidur Rahmans strength as a skilled translator of
Bangla poems. It aptly brings Muzibul Haque Kabirs poetry to readers who know English.
Shihab Sarkar
Dhaka, 27 August, 2015

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