G.O.Ms - No.244 M.A. dt.31.3.70

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Rules Municipal Corporation of Hyderabad layout rules 1965 certain
amendments publication ordered.
Health, Housing and Municipal Administration Department
G.O.Ms.No.244 M.A.

Dated: 31.3.1970.
Read the following:-

G.O.Ms.No.1095 M.A., Dt. 24.8.1965

G.O. Ms.No.1034 M.A., Dt.2.12.1966
G.O.Ms.No.411 M.A. Dt.9.5.1968.
G.O.Ms.No.95 M.A., Dt.1.2.1969.
From the Commissioner, MCH, Lr.No.248 O&M Dt.5.11.1967
From the Commissioner MCH., Lr.No.248/64-30 O&M Dt.5.8.1969.
From the Director of Town Planning Lr.No.12092/69 A6/PR-4
Date. 4.11.1969.
The appended notification will be published in the Andhra Pradesh Gazette.
Syed Nural Hassan Jafri,
Deputy Secretary to Government.
// true copy //
The Director of Printing Stationery and Stores Purchase Dept. (Printing Wing)
The Commissioner, MCH.
The Addl. Commissioner, MCH., Secunderabad.
The Director of Town Planning, MCH.
// by order//
Sd/- Section Officer.

The following draft of the amendments to the Municipal Corporation
of Hyderabad (Layout) Rules 1965, which it in proposed to make in exercise of the
powers conferred by Sub-section (2) of Section 585 of the Hyderabad Municipal
Corporation Act, 1955 (Act II of 1956) is hereby published for Central information as
required by sub-section 3 of section 585 of the said act.
Notice is hereby given that the draft will be taken into consideration
after the expiry of thirty days from the date of publication of this notification in the
Andhra Pradesh Gazette and that any objection suggestions which may be received
from any person with respect thereto before the expiry of the said period will be
considered by the Government of Andhra Pradesh.
Objections and suggestions should be addressed to the Special
Secretary to Government, Health, Housing and Municipal Administration
In the said rules:
in rule 10 (1) for sub-rule (2) the following shall be substituted, namely:
The area reserved for streets or roads, parks and playgrounds in the layout,
having an extent of 2 acres only and three is reasons to believe that such land has not
been divided or fragmented from a vast land for purpose of this rule shall in no case
be less than 35% of the gross area of the land covered by the layout.
Provided further that reservation of open space shall not be insisted in respect
or cul-sac- layouts having an extent of less than 2 acres of land.
for sub-rule (4) the following sub-rule shall be substituted namely:A plot intended for residential building shall not normally be less than 200 sq.yds. or
167.22 sq.mts. with a minimum width of 33 ft. Or 10 meters, and
for sub-rule (6) the following sub-rule shall be substituted namely:
Corner plots at the junction of streets or roads shall be splayed with 10 ft. Or 3.05
meters and in no case they shall be less than 6.6 ft. Or 2 meters on each side, off set or
round off.
for rule 17, the following rule shall be substituted namely:
17- notwithstanding anything in rule 16, the applicant shall deposit the cost of laying
severs and underground storm water drains which shall be carried out by the
Corporation on his behalf. In case the expenditure exceeds over and above the
estimates furnished due to increase in prices of labour and materials or other
unforeseen expenditure involved shall be recovered as arrears of tax on property.

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