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Leading to a Bright Future

Year 6 Parents Information Session

Transitioning to Secondary School

Date: Thursday 28th January 2016

Time: 6:00pm
Where: Cherry Blossom Campus Lunch room

21st January 2016

Dear Parents of Year 6 students
As we start the second semester of year 6, I am sure your thoughts and conversations are increasingly
drawn to next year and Secondary school.
The transition to the big school is a major move for your children but it is also a time of tremendous
excitement and opportunity.
As part of this transition I would like to invite all interested parents to a brief information session followed by
an opportunity for questions and answers.
The aim of the session is to highlight some of main areas of difference between Secondary and Primary
school; discuss some of the areas that students often feel worried about with the move; look at some
strategies you can use to ease this transition and to look at some of the increased opportunities that this
change will bring.
I will speak for about 10-15 minutes and will then open up the floor for either questions or reflections if we
have parents who have had children go through this stage.
I hope you will be able to join us next Thursday.


Terry Storer
Terry Storer
Deputy Executive Principal
Australian International School

Xi Campus

Thao Dien Campus

Thu Thiem Campus

190 Nguyen Van Huong Street
Thao Dien Ward | District 2 | HCMC | Vietnam
t: +84 8 3519 2727 | f: +84 8 3744 6961

(Kindergarten & Primary School)

APSC Compound
36 Thao Dien Road | District 2 | HCMC | Vietnam
t: +84 8 3744 6960 | f: +84 8 3744 6961

(Kindergarten, Primary, Middle & Senior School)

264 Mai Chi Tho (East-West Highway)
An Phu Ward | District 2 | HCMC | Vietnam
t: +84 8 3742 4040 | f: +84 8 3740 7361 |

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