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The physically literate individual demonstrates competency

in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns.
The student is able to perform different kind of movement, such as
running, hopping, jumping, and skipping.
This standard best relates to psychomotor domain, because it
involves both thought and physical movement. The student is able
to think through the steps and implement it into movement.
2. The physically literate individual applies knowledge of
concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics related to
movement and performance.
For example, when student is playing basketball game, he/she is
able to practice dribbling, shooting, and passing while he/she is still
aware of other players. The student is able to analyze the game
situation, so he/she can decided whether he/she should pass,
dribble, or shoot.
The cognitive domain best relates to this standard because it
involves knowledge of the rule, comprehension of the skills,
analysis of condition, and application.
3. The physical literate individual demonstrates the
knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain a healthenhancing level of physical activity and fitness.
The student is able to perform variety fitness movement, such as
push-up, curl-up, pull-up, squat, etc. The student also understands
the purpose of each movement.
The domain relates for this standard is cognitive domain, but I also
think psychomotor plays role in this standard. Psychomotor domain
is trained when student is able to perform each movement, and the
cognitive domain plays role when the student understand how to
maintain health by , for example, starting to write a fitness journal.
4. The physically literate individual exhibits responsible
personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
The student is able to display sportsmanship in and out of class.
The student is always being supportive toward the other students.
The affective domain relates to this standard, because it deals with
the attitudes toward other people.
5. The physically literate individual recognizes the value of
physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, selfexpression and/or social interaction.
The student is able to continue and carry active lifestyle outside the
class. For example, the student start to join nearest gym as a
member and start workout three times a week.
The domain that relates to this standard is affective domain, because it shows the
value toward physical activity. The student values and enjoys the physical activity.
It displays that the student has an intrinsic motivation.

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