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Math 310 Theorems

Even and Odd Integers

Lemma 1. Let n be an integer, n is odd if and only if n = 2j 1 for some integer j.
Lemma 2.
Let a, b and n be integers n 2, if a b(mod n) then b a(mod n) and -a -b(mod n).
Theorem 1.
Let a and b be integers, then a and b are of the same parity if and only if a + b is even.
Theorem 2. Let n be an integer, n2 and n are of the same parity.
Theorem 3. Let a and b be integers, then ab is even if and only if a is even or b is even.
Theorem 4. (Division Algorithm)
For any integers a and b, with b 0, there exists unique integers q and r such that
a = bq + r and 0 r < |b|.
Absolute Value Definitions and Theorems
Definition 1: For any real number, the absolute value of x, denoted |x|, is defined a

$ x if
x =%
& x if

x 0
x <0

Definition 2: The principal square root of a real number x, denoted x is the non-negative real
number y such that y2 = x.
Definition 3: For real numbers a and b, we define the min function as follows,
# a if b a
min(a,b) = $
%b if b < a

Definition 3: For real numbers a and b, we define the max function as follows,
# a if a b
max(a,b) = $
%b if a < b
Theorem 5. For all x, y R, |xy| = |x||y|.

Theorem 6. For all x R, x |x|.

Theorem 7. For all x R, |x| = x 2 .
Theorem 8. For all x R, For all x R, |-x| = |x|.

Theorem 9. For all x R, For all x R, |x|2 = x2.

Theorem 10. For all x R, if a is a positive real number and |x| a then a x a.
Theorem 11. For all real numbers x and b, |a | b if and only if a - b or b a.
Theorem 12. (The Triangle Inequality) For all x, y R, |x + y| |x| + |y|.
Theorem 13. (The Reverse Triangle Inequality) For all x, y R, |x| |y| |x y|.
Theorem 14. (The Strong Reverse Triangle Inequality) For all x, y R, ||x| |y|| |x y|.
Theorem 15. For any two real numbers a and b, min(a,b) = (a + b |a b|).
Theorem 16. For real numbers a, b, and x, if a x b, then |x| max(|a|,|b|), when
Theorem 17. Let a, b, and c be integers with a 0 and b 0. If a|b and b|c then a|c.
Theorem 18. Let a, b, c and d be integers with a 0 and b 0. If a|c and b|d then ab|cd.
Theorem 19. Let a, b, c, x, and y be integers with a 0. If a|b and a|c , then a|(bx + cy).
Theorem 20. For all integers a and b, 3|ab if and only if 3|a or 3|b.
Congruence Modulo n
Theorem 21: Let n be an integer. If n 2(mod 3) then n is not a perfect square.
Theorem 22: Let a, b, k and n be integers, with n 2. If a b(mod n) and ka kb(mod n).
Theorem 23: Let a, b, k and n be integers, with n 2. If a b(mod n) and a2 b2 (mod n).
Theorem 24: Let a, b, c and n be integers, with n 2. If a b(mod n) and b c(mod n)
then a c(mod n).
Theorem 25: Let a, b, c, and d be integers, with n 2. If a b(mod n) and c d(mod n)
then ac bd (mod n).
Theorem 26: Let a, b, k and n be integers, with n 2. If a b(mod n) and b a (mod n).

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