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The History

What happened to the body in the bog?

Learning Objective
To investigate the mystery of the
Tollund Man

To use the skills of the historian to

work out what is MOST LIKELY to
have happened

Here are some years, what century
were they in?

AD 567
AD 1198
AD 1675
AD 1989
AD 35

The body in the


There was once a body found in a

peat bog in Denmark

This body was very old

Historians have tried to work out
what happened to him

You will see what you can come up


In History, there is not always a
right answer

It all depends what the evidence


It will be your job to work out what

was the MOST LIKELY thing to have


Research Time
You will have ten minutes to read

through the information sheet that

you have been given

Individual work
Complete the Quick Questions

Pair Work
Working in pairs, complete the

More Detailed Questions sections

Lets listen to what you came up

Individual Work 2
Complete the Going Further

Next lesson, we will be writing a

report about what happened to the

Tollund Man

For homework, do some research

into the topic, see if you can find a

list of different theories about what
happened to him.

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