Review My Worst Best Friend: Orientation

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My Worst Best Friend

My Worst Best Friend is one of Dyan Sheldons book which potrait high school friendships, and
teenagers life.

Interpretative Recount :
My Worst Best Friend is about two best friends who demonstrate the grand epitome of opposites attract.
Gracie is plain, boyish and smart with common sense and a good head on her shoulders, whereas Savanna
is a beautiful, charming, manipulative brat who has already mastered the art of flirting at the age of
sixteen and gets her way one-hundred percent of the time . One day Savanna meets and begins dating a
college boy, Gracie proves her loyalty as a best friend by lying constantly for Savanna and ditching the
more important people in her life for her worthless, idiot friend. As we near the novel's end, we get a
glimpse of how lying and supporting a terrible cause can really make you feel low.

Evaluation 1:
One that I dont like in this book is that Gracie (protagonist in this novel)She is not expressly ,she lets
Savanna walk all over her, And Savanna who is very pushy and selfish.

Evaluation Summation:
The overall plot was non existence other than Gracie covering for her best friends lies, feeling
bad to the people shes lying to, forgiving best friend, and those actions are repeated throughout
the novel until the last few pages where Gracie gets a backbone. But If you want to read about a
girl whose pretty much a doormat to her manipulative best friend for most of the story, this is the book for

By:Gloria Belinda XIIA1/34

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