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Julia McCarrick, Amanda Fichter,

Ally Aurillo, Becca Dunn

U.S. History Honors (3)
14 January 2016
Huey Long
Huey Long was a powerful political leader. He served as the governor of Louisiana and
as an Us Senator during his lifetime. Long used his charmful personality and political power to
expand programs and social services in the state. Huey Long pushed away opposition and pushed
forward his beliefs and ideas. His political potential was impressive and he influenced
democratic ideas. Longs life was short lived, but he impacted and benefited the Us.
Huey Pierce Long Jr. was born on August 30th, 1893 in Winnfield, Louisiana. From an
early age, it was evident that Huey Long was a true original. A bright, inquisitive, and feisty
child, he would grow to become the most famous and audacious public figure ever produced by
the state of Louisiana(The Man). His parents were Caledonia Tison Long and Huey Pierce
Long, Sr. Huey was the seventh of nine children. While Long was a senior in high school, he got
into an argument with his principal, which ended badly and caused Long to drop out of school.
Huey spent the next four years of his life working as a traveling salesman. Long then enrolled at
Tulane University studying law for a year before being admitted to the bar in 1915. The bar is
the name for the collective body of members of the legal profession. Such members may or may
not belong to a state or local bar association(Huey Long).

Huey Long served as governor of Louisiana from May 21st 1928 to January 25th 1932
and was renowned for his public speaking. Long's southern charm and strength as a speaker
separated him from other politicians. He was home grown in Louisiana and loved his state which
drove his decision to pressure a career in politics. The Governor was to set his sights on
presidency, but those dreams were crushed and his supporters left with the thought of what could
have been.
In 1932, Long resigned from his position as a governor of the state of Louisiana and
entered into world politics. Long began a national political career as he took little interest in the
senate, for he wanted to have more power and make a bigger impact on the world. At first Long
was supported by Franklin D. Roosevelt. This interest shortly disappeared when he eagerly
paved his own path and stepped out on his own. Long proposed a Share-Our-Wealth plan. This
Share-Our-Wealth plan was a national radio address on February 23, 1934. This was a
proposition that would provide standard living across America and spread the nations wealth
around the world. He believed taxes would scale down large corporations, and the revenue would
be used to guarantee everyone a minimum income. In 1935 he had developed his own political
organization revolved around the Share-Our-Wealth idea. Long continued to campaign and
spread his ideas of government, as he entered the presidential race. Individuals say that he had no
chance of winning but it could have been a close race. Long returned to his home state of
Louisiana as he entered the final race. All had changed from their.
In September 1935 Long's life suddenly came to an end. At the time, Huey Long was
returning to Baton Rouge. Baton Rouge is a popular city in Louisiana. The city in Louisiana is
very important to Huey, for he was a powerful governor of Louisiana. Rumors began spreading
throughout the capital about individuals attempting to assassinate Huey. Long was involved in

death threats, arson attempts, and drive-by shootings. Long decided to increase his security and
surround himself with armed bodyguards. The harmful threats continued and Long became more
nervous and fearful of his safety. The individuals who wanted to harm him were jealous of his
political accomplishments. It was a cool day in September; just a month after Long announced he
was going to run for president, when he was shot and killed. The culprit was Dr. Carl Wiess, the
son in law of Benjamin Pavy; the judge who Long was trying to get fired. After three attempts to
approach Huey and move past his well trained guards, Weiss finally got to Long and shot him at
the close range of four feet. Long was rushed to the hospital and sadly passed two days later.
Long died at the age of 42, on September 10, 1935. Hueys last words were recorded as God,
dont let me die. I have so much to do.
Huey Long was a very powerful and important individual in influencing campaigns and
government issues. Longs innovative campaign techniques are still being used today. Long was
one of the first to use radios and commercials as tools to campaign and spread his message. Huey
Long was also known for having a big heart. Although his political views and opinions were out
of the norm for The United States of America, he had a genuine concern for the best of the state
of Louisiana. Huey Long increased the awareness of education, infrastructure and health care in
the state. He was well liked and his actions benefited the people. Long had impacted the world
for the positive. He will always be honored by the state of Louisiana and his memory will not be
Works Cited
"The Man, His Mission, and Legacy." Huey Long. Long Legacy Project, n.d. Web. 13 Jan. 2016.
"Huey Long." American Government. ABC-CLIO, 2016. Web. 14 Jan. 2016.


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