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illegalization of the manufacturing , selling, transporting, storage of alcohol

take out a substance that caused so many issues
root of all problems, broke up families
women believed men were not providing duties as father and husband
WONPR: organization of women that fought for prohibition; over 1,000 members in first year of
start up
women worried children were growing up in a country surrounding alcohol
bring the country closer
association to slavery
misconception on how much was safe
alcohol safer than water! :) still true
18th amendment prohibited the manufacture, sale, and consumption of alcohol; Controversial,
hurt economy
illegalization of the manufacturing selling transporting and storage of alcohol
volstead act
belief that alc was root of all problems
women's role- women believed men were not doing proper duties
The WONPR- women's organization that fought for prohibition
people thought it would bring country together
people who supported-abolitionist, industrialists ,christians, women
alc was safer than water at time
alc gave calories ?
prohibition created more crime
Prohibition- Illegalization of the manufacturing, selling, transporting and storage of alcohol in
Womens Role- WONPR- organization of women that fought for prohibition
People thought it would bring country together
Misconception on how much alcohol was consumed, safer than water, gave men calories,
created more crime
watch this

expelled in the 7th grade for punching a teacher

johnny torrio was his mentor

at father's funeral reunited with torrio and he convinced capone to go back to chicago and
capone expands the business when torrio retires
st. valentines day massacre (1929)
crime: drug trafficking, arms dealing, money laundering, tax fraud
5 Point juniors gang
mentor Johnny Torrio
had a son
moved to baltimore
reconnected w Johnny and was convinced to work in illegal sale of alcohol business
earned about 100 mil dollars
st. valentine's day massacre- killed rival gang members
During the Great Depression, Capone tried to help people who didnt have a lot of money so he
set up soup kitchens etc to help re-image himself
tax evasion stops him


Slut #1- Clara Bow: most famous flapper; it girl

Sacco and Vanzetti (anarchists)

anarchism was big
police would arrest anyone that didn't agree within the country going into World War I
both had evidence that linked them to the bombings and left the scene so they seemed
the judge was conservative and hated anyone that had anything to do with anarchism and their
lawyer was from massachusetts
found guilty and spent 6 years in prison and their appeal was turned down
executed by electrocution
for a murder
2 strikes - immigrants, anarchistseom
Womens Suffrage

male dominated role in society

domination from males caused scoliosis and other fatal diseases such as leprosy
19th amendment - 1920declaration of sentiments- all men and women are equal and have equal inalienable rights
right of women to vote and to stand for electoral office
cult of true womanhood- associated women with guardian of the home, submissive
susan b anthony
womens right to vote ***
in some states women could vote before 1920, mostly in the west bc not many women lived
hitler in cage w lion
nice song
no lyrics
man climbs pole for woman
paramount pictures and warner bros
walt disney
charlie chaplin: british film actor, producer, director, screenwriter and composer. played the
changed how people spent leisure time
silent movies
first movie w sound was the Jazz singer came out 1927
movie palaces
major movie studios- paramount pictures, warner bros, MGM, fox film, RKO
walt disney
mickey mouse created 1928
charlie chaplin- producer, director, screenwriter, and composer
impact- changed how people spent leisure time, became normal part of everyday life
economic contribution
1925: radios became small, incorporated into many homes
advertising began with creation of radio: helped boost economy and support business
NBC & CBS created in 1920s to break up monopolies
Radio shows: Amos & Andy
Families would listen to sports games and music was played
kdka was the first official radio station broadcasting out of pittsburg
radio connected people across the country
sports games, news,and music

jazz craze
KDKA first radio station
AT&T first advertisement over radio
national effect- connected the whole nation, sports and entertainment
entertainment- radio shows, sports games, music, (jazz craze) families would listen
henry ford
model t
became very popular very fast
assembly line
fashion and style
encompassed the liberation and independence that marked the end of the war
social and prosperity change
built stadiums

1920s Notes
Illegalization of the manufacturing, selling, transporting and storage of alcohol in 1920, broke up
families, women believed men were not fulfilling their male duties, , association to slavery
Womens Role- WONPR- organization of women that fought for prohibition
People thought it would bring country together
Misconception on how much alcohol was consumed, safer than water, gave men calories,
created more crime
Effects- 18th amendment prohibited manufacture, sale, and consumption of alcohol,
Controversial, hurt economy
Al Capone
Expelled in 7th grade, Johnny Torrio, mentor, Five point Juniors, Scarface
Bootlegging, earned about 100 million dollars a year, killed 7 rival gang members, tax evasion,
prison, died of cardiac arrest, drug trafficking, arms dealing, money laundering and tax fraud,
changed law enforce, corruption within law enforcement

Modernized women of 1920s, short flashy dresses, cigarettes, alcohol, sexual experimentation,
late parties, etc.
Defined as women who went against moral beliefs
Clara Bow- actress who portrayed a flapper in every film she was in, It Girl, personal life
matched on screen personality, most famous flapper (flapper icon)
Impact of flappers- result of modern generation, newer inventions, social expansion, more
prominent role for women in society
Sacco and Vanzetti
Both grew up in Italy and moved to United States in adulthood
Anarchism was big, police would arrest anyone that did not agree with the country entering
WWI, they fled to Mexico where they became friends
Were immigrants and anarchists
Wrongfully framed by Boda and Oraciani, linked to wall street bombings
After trial, spent six years in prison for murder and were executed by electrocution
Historical costume drama
Before 1920s they were all silent
Movie Palaces- first in Harlem
Major Movie Studios- Warner Brothers, MGM, Paramount Pictures, Fox Film
Walt Disney- founded Disney Brothers Cartoon studio in LA, released series of cartoons,
created Mickey Mouse, Silly Symphonies, and became symbols for American Pop Culture, Hand
drawn frames
Charlie Chaplin- British film actor, producer, director, screen writer and composer
Played character in The Tramp, founded UA
Impact- changed how people spent their leisure time, more theaters opened
Took a long time to set up
Short Range
Early 1920s- built with crystals and L shaped antenna
Received interference
1924- vacuum tubes
1925- were small and incorporated in home
Broadcasted commercials
KDKA was first station out of Pitt

AT&T had a monopoly over toll broadcasting

Radio connected whole nation
Were able to hear same thing at same time
Sports games, news and music
Created a jazz craze in US
Born 1863
Chief engineer at Edison Illuminating Company
Began developing models for horseless carriage
Established Ford Motor Company 1903
Developed model T five years later
Easy to drive and cheap repair
Assembly line
Inspired further development in automobile industry
Fashion and Style
End of WWI
Reflected rapid movement of change
Society was advancing
Higher hemlines, hats, high heels, loose dresses
Striking transition from corsets and head to toe dresses
Bold eye make-up, lipstick, bright hair accessories
Mens-leather jackets
Boyish inspired by coco chanel
Women began driving, smoking and drinking just like men
Stylized typical menswear for females
Gave power and redefined confidence
Historical Significance- go wild, encompassed liberation and independence that marked end of
Social and prosperity change
Yankee stadium and many others constructed
Newspaper and radio broadcasted for fans
Baseball, boxing, football, basketball
Discrimination in sports
Babe Ruth- Baseball
Negro National League
Jack Dempsey Boxing

College football was popular because Red Grange

Basketball- blacks were not allowed on professional teams
Olympics- first winter games in France 1924
Harlem Renaissance- The Harlem Renaissance was the name given to the cultural, social, and
artistic explosion that took place in Harlem between the end of World War I and the middle of
the 1930s. During this period Harlem was a cultural center, drawing black writers, artists,
musicians, photographers, poets, and scholars. music- Jazz specifically, was big key in harlem
renaissance. Cotton Club was the place to go. in Manhattan.
Stock Market Crash- The Wall Street Crash of 1929, also known as Black Tuesday (October
29), the Great Crash, or the Stock Market Crash of 1929, began on October 24, 1929 ("Black
Thursday"), and was the most devastating stock market crash in the history of the United States,
dramatic decline of stock prices= companies losing lots of money, lead to great Depression,
people sold stocks, prices lowered, couldnt pay banks back loans, banks went bankrupt
Charles Augustus Lindbergh, nicknamed Slim, Lucky Lindy, and The Lone Eagle, was an
American aviator, author, inventor, military officer, explorer, and social activist. first to fly nonstop
across atlantic ocean on spirit of St. Louis,
Harlem Renaissance

African Americans

Harlem- cultural explosion

Opened the door for art to explode

Poetry, artwork, music (jazz),

Big time club- Cotton Club

Harlem- upper manhattan

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