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sometimes it is necessary to lie to the partner

I would like to explain what a lie is. A lie is a false statemente made with deliberate intent to deceive.
Nobody have never lied, so it is natural in the mankind lying. But sometime this can be a very big
Lying to the partner can be very variable it depends a lot of the situation and the consecuence it can be
generated of the lie. Some lies can be very dramatic and disgusting so it is very important that the
person think. For example if you have lost something of your partner and you are afraid about the
consecuence of your mistake, the best way to deal with the problem is to be honest and explain it to
your partner.
For my lying is always negative because you are saying something that you know it is not truth but it
can be very handy for some situation so my recommendation is if your are gonna try to do it good.

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