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1. Begin the following sentences with the words given below and make
the necessary transformations in the verb form.
Simon works five days a week
a. Simon and his brother
b. Does
c. At present
d. Last month
e. Next year

2. Use the correct tense (Present Simple / Present Continuous)

a. Normally I __________ (start) work at eight o'clock but I __________
(start) at 7 this week. We are busy just now.
b. We __________ (go) camping every year. It's a good cheap holiday.
Hotels __________ (cost) too much.
c. What's that smell? Something __________ (burn) in the kitchen.
d. I (work) overtime this month because I __________ (save up) to buy
a car.
e. He __________ (smoke) thirty cigarettes a day but at the moment
he __________ (try) very hard to cut down.

3. Use the correct tense (Past Simple/Past Continuous)

a. I haven't seen Alan for ages. When I last __________ (see) him, he
__________ (try) to find a Job in London.
b. I was __________ (walk) along the street when suddenly I __________
(hear) footsteps behind me. Somebody __________ (follow) me. I
was frightened and I __________ (start) to run.
c. When I was young, I __________ (want) to be a bus driver.
d. Mr Smith never __________ (wake) up in time in the mornings and
always __________ (get) into trouble for being late; so one day he
__________ (go) to town and __________ (buy) an alarm clock.
e. John __________ (take) a
__________________ (not/look).





4. Use the correct tense (Past Simple/Present Perfect)

a. Everything was ready, so we quickly ______________(check) all the
locks and _____________ (drive off).
b. My uncle George ____________ (never see) the sea in his life. I
______________ (hear) him making plans to go sailing last week,
c. They __________ (call) us when they __________ (arrive) in Monaco
last Saturday, but we ______________(not hear) from them ever
d. Jackie _____________ (be) late several times in the past month that's
why the boss ______________ (warn) him a few minutes ago.
e. The students _________ (do) a lot of homework so far. I think it's
time they ____________ (take) a break.

5. Use the Future (will / be going to)

a. A: I have got a terrible headache.
B: Have you? Wait there and I ___________ get an aspirin for you.
b. A: Why are you filling that bucket with water?
B: I ___________ wash the car.
c. A: I've decided to repaint this room.
B: Oh, have you? What color ___________ paint it?
d. A: Look! There is smoke coming out of the house. It's on fire!
B: Good Heavens! I ___________ call the fire-brigade immediately.
e. A: The ceilling in this room doesn't look very safe, does it?
B: No, it looks as if it ___________ fall down.

6. Complete the following exercise with the correct form of the verbs in
Matt: Hi, I _____________ (be) Matt Rotell, a friend of Alice's.
Sarah: Oh, yes. Alice ______________ (mention) you the other day. Gee, you
_____________ (not look) like a detective.
Matt: Well, that's good, I _________________ (guess).
Sarah: I'm curious. Tell me, how you _____________ (decide) to become an
undercover cop?
Matt: Well, when I ________________ (be) a kid, I _______________ (love) to read
detective novels. By the time I ________________ (be) ten, I _____________
(read) every book in the Hardy Boys series. I ____________________ (know)
that I

(want) to go into law enforcement.

Sarah: But according to Alice, you ___________________ (attend) law school

Matt: Right. I ________________ (get) married last month. I _____________ (not
mind) being on the police force when I _______________ (be) single, but ever
since I _________________ (meet) Nicole, my wife, I __________________ (want)
to do something less dangerous.







__________________ (have) any luck yet with those counterfeiters?

Matt: Well, I _________________ (follow) them for more than a month now,
but so far I

__________________ (not be able to) catch them in the act.

Sometimes I ________________ (worry) that by the time they're caught, I'll

have my law degree and I __________________ (be) defending them!

7. Read the following text. There is one mistake in each of the nine
parts. Each part has an extra word which is not needed.
Yesterday, I went to shopping in town with my best friend.
We took the bus because its difficult to doing park the car near the shops.
There was a sale on in the shoe shop, but they didnt never have anything I
liked in my size.
I did find a nice new swimsuit for summer which was on sale in the
department store. I was a thrilled because I got it for half price.
Around lunchtime, we stopped for a eating pizza even though Im supposed
to be dieting. Well, it was the weekend, wasnt it?
After lunch we went to the new sports shop near the cinema. My friend was
looking for a new tennis racquet, shes been had her old one for years.
I dont play tennis myself, but I have to admit the one she have bought
looked lovely and I was surprised how light it was.
By the end of the day Id spent much more a MONEY than Id wanted to, my
bags felt so heavy.
I guess I will have to be taking careful with my spending for the rest of the

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