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Lesson Plan Template


Tolga Sazak
Amber Tuysuzo
Cansu Elbek

English as a second language
Unit Title
My Clothes
Grade Level

-Grade Students
2 lesson hours
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the lesson,
The fourth grade students analyzing the infographics and flashcards;
Will say the name of clothes
Will know the names of the clothes
Will tell what the weather is like
Will identify which clothes should be worn according to the weather conditions.
Will have at least %80 accuracy during the flash card game.
Instructional Materials & Media
Smart Board
Online Survey
Lay Figure
A Box Full of Various Clothes
Learning-Teaching Methods
Presentation and Games / Task-based learning
Teaching Activities

The teacher talks about how he/ she starts a day on a rainy morning. She/he describes the
weather and tells the students what kind of clothes she/he prefers on a rainy day. For example,
she/he says when it is rainy, I always wear my raincoat Then she/he asks the students to talk about
their own experiences. The students raise their hands to be involved in the lesson and mention about
their preferences of clothes according to different weather conditions.

The teacher explains to the students that there is an infographic and there are some articles
related to clothes. She/he asks the students to skim the articles. The students skim the articles and
get information about different kinds of clothes and how people choose the suitable clothes according
to the weather conditions. She/he draws the students attention to the fact that they will get some
clues to choose the suitable clothes according to weather conditions. Then she/he carries on the
lesson with some questions to get the students to talk about the infographic. He/she says Have a
look at the pictures surrounding the article and tell me your expectations.

He asks the students to dress up the lay figure according to the weather condition on the
smartboard. The willing students come to the board by one by one and try to choose the suitable
clothes from the box to dress up the lay figure. For example, the teacher says that The weather is
rainy. The weather is snowy etc. and students try to select suitable clothes for the weather teacher

The teacher ends the lesson with a brief summary on what they have learnt. She/he emphasizes the fact that it
is important to choose the suitable clothes according to the weather condition. And to evaluate the students,
he/she wants them to answer the survey questions and play the flashcard game. At the end of the lesson
he/she gives the students homework. She/he also asks them to observe the changes in the sky and write how
that affects the weather and their dressing style.
The teacher prepares an online survey and several
flashcards to test the students knowledge and
enhance their individual learning skills.
Measurement & Evaluation
Measurement & Assessment Activities for
Individual Performance

After the students complete the online survey and use

flashcards, they are evaluated according to results and their
performance and participation in the classroom.
The teacher asks them to observe the changes in the sky
and write how that affects the weather and their dressing
Explanation regarding to the implementation of the plan
Teacher begins the lesson with talking about his/her experiences and gives students some clues about the
flow of the lesson. By this way he/she warms up students to the lesson. Then he/she begins to utilize materials.
He/she uses infographics to keep students engaged in class and enhance learning experiences. Moreover to
promote individual learning, infographics are preferred by the teacher because they are free and they provide
access from any web-enabled computer. The teacher also uses lay figure and asks students to dress it up
according to suitable weather condition. By using materials like them, he/she aims at enhancing students
interest and encouraging dialogue among students. The teacher ends the lesson with brief summary on what
they have learnt in the lesson and to help students improve their creativity he/she gives them a homework.
Back-up Plan:

If teacher works in a place where it is impossible to access the internet or other materials
stated in the main plan;
Teacher prepares scrabble letters. After preparing the set of scrabble letters, he/she divides the class
into teams and gives each team a set of scrabble letters. Then he/she gives clues for words he wants
to test them on, e.g. Put on your sunglasses, students write SUNNY on the table by selecting the
scrabble letters.
Teacher chooses several words related to weather and clothes and writes sets of clues to help
students guess the words. He/she can play with whole class or teams.
Example clues (word: SNOWY)
I wear a sweater and hat.
I dont need sunglasses.
I can use umbrella
After these activities are carried out, the teacher assesses students in a traditional way. He uses exams
and term papers and to give them a homework. He selects a proper unit in the textbook and ask them to
answer the questions in it. After materials like scrabble letters, cards and textbooks and methods like
cooperative learning are used, learning outcomes will be nearly the same in the main lesson plan. However
without the modern technology, the education process will be slower and less effective.

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