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Mike Huckabee
By: Siena Lewis, Emily Weaver, and Emily Adrid

Mikes background information.

Born on August 24, 1955 in Hope Arkansas

Married his highschool sweetheart, Janet McCain in 1974

Has 3 children,
-John Mark, born in 1976 (36 Years Old)
-David, Born in 1981

Mikes Previous Jobs (background)

Head of the 490,000-member Baptist State Convention.

Ran for the Senate

-advocated separating people with HIV/AIDS from the general population
He became governor in 1996
-elected to full terms in 1998 and 2002
began hosting his own talk show on the FOX News Channel's, Huckabee, in
September 2008.
Runner up in 2008 for Republican Nomination behind John McCain

His Position: 2nd Amendment

Abolishing guns because of reckless abusers makes as much sense as abolishing

cars because some people drive drunk.
Defends the 2nd Amendment
First governor in America to have a concealed gun licence
Lifetime member of the NRA (National Rifle Association)
Wants to preserve all rights Americans have

Compared to other candidates...

Trump (R) - Agrees with keeping this Amendment as it is

Clinton (D) - Disagrees because she thinks guns are the problem in gun violence
situations or shootings

His Position: National Security

Rebuild Americas military superiority

Best way to avoid conflict is to build weapons and a fighting force that is so
powerful that no one will want to touch us
Believes our enemies do not fear us and our allies do not respect or trust us
A main goal: defeat radical Islam and kill the Iran deal

Compared to other candidates...

Trump (R) - Agree on building up military & killing Iran deal

Clinton (D)- Disagrees in the fact that she wants to vigorously enforce the deal
the United States made with Iran, however, they do agree that ISIS (radical Islam)
needs to be stopped.

His Position: Immigration

Without a secure border, nothing matters.
Need a better handle on the drug cartels in Mexico
Opposes amnesties (a pardon for people who are convicted of a political crime)
Wants to reward those who follows the rules, but wants to punish those who do
Wants to end illegal immigration once and for all

Compared to other candidates...

Trump (R) - Absolutely agrees, but Trump has a more aggressive plan of action
Clinton (D) - Wants to put immigrants on the path to citizenship

Dirt On Mike Huckabee

Criticizes Barack Obama about being classless
for not respecting the Christian Religion
Why is it that Obama goes to extremes to
accommodate Muslim terrorists but shows
nothing but disdain for Christians? This is a
new low for an administration that will go
down as the most anti-Christian in American

Huckabees Scandal
Freed a convicted serial rapist
Wayne DuMond

Raped and Murdered

Murdered 2 people
Raped 4
One was Bill Clinton's third cousin

Huckabee was saying he was innocent

After he was free from prison DuMond raped 2 more women

Huckabees Family Scandal

David Huckabee, Mikes son, hung and tortured a dog.
Hung a dog, slit its throat, and stoned it to death
Head of Police, John Bailey was in charge of the investigation
Huckabee fired him for being incapable of doing his job
Ive lost confidence in your ability to do your job, Bailey says
Huckabee told him.
Convicted of bring a loaded .40 glock handgun and a 9-round clip
through airport security

Poll Numbers
RCP Average: 2.4%
North Carolina: 4.0%
South Carolina Polls: 2.0%
Iowa Polls: 2.8%

Mike Huckabee Video

Citations A&E Networks Television, n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2015.
Conroy, Scott. "Mike Huckabee On His Faith: 'God Is Much More Real To Me Than
The Clouds'" The Huffington Post., n.d. Web. 10 Nov.
Jones, Brain Adams. "The Problem With Donald Trump's Plans For The Military." Task
Purpose. Task & Purpose, 16 Sept. 2015. Web. 10 Nov. 2015.
"National Security." Mike Huckabee for President. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2015.
"Hillary Clinton on Gun Violence Prevention." Gun Violence Prevention. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Nov. 2015.
"Immigration Reform." Immigration Reform. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Nov. 2015.
Shane, Leo. "Trump's Security Speech Light on Military, Veterans." MilitaryTimes. TEGNA, 16 Sept. 2015. Web. 12 Nov.

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