Ecu204 Ass2

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ECU204: Design and Technology

Assignment 2: A Technology and Design unit of work

Due date:

Week 10


1000-2500 words




Please read the assignment instructions carefully. A unit of work is totally different to an
individual lesson plan. It is a scope and sequence of a series of activities designed to achieve
several learning outcomes. The format can be in a table form, or you can use suitable headings.


Prepare a Design Brief for classroom distribution, appropriate to the age group you will be
teaching, and a teacher planning document. It should be designed to be implemented in a
classroom over a period of several weeks.
It should be presented as a program which could be used immediately with a group of students.
Therefore, planning should be thorough and detailed, with all teaching aids prepared (not included
in word limit) or described. Ideas for activities can be original, derived from a practical situation,
or taken from a teacher resource book or website, modified for your content. It must be linked to at
least two other areas of the curriculum (for example, Maths, English, SOSE, etc). It must also
involve the use of ICT, either by you as the teacher to engage the students, or by the students as
part of completing the task. The ICT component does not need to be submitted as part of the
assignment, but reference must be made to any links and the use of ICT must be highlighted in the
planning document.


Assessment criteria

It is to be submitted using the unit plan template provided on Inschool or from the references.

Design Brief contains the elements required

Suitable and engaging for age group
Planning contains the details required
Links with other learning areas included
ICT included
Detailed and clear format so that it would be able to be actioned by another teacher


The Design Brief: age appropriate; language appropriate; interesting task; will result in good
learning: appropriately linked/integrated to the Unit of Work

Planning/overview/main Document: Good details such as: Unit Name; Unit description;
Timeline; Year/band level; Major themes and big understandings; Focus curriculum area (T&D);
Secondary curriculum areas; Links to other curriculum statements (e.g. essential learning
curriculum framework; Indigenous Languages and Culture, Learning Technology):
Unit lesson overview:
Individual lesson plans (at least 4 separate plans): Enough details: learning outcomes; resources;
organization; sequence; assessment; etc
References: normal academic referencing according to documents you have used
Organization and layout of the unit is clear and easy to follow and navigate

Examples of handouts/resources provided (e.g. lesson worksheets or information docs)

Good Links to Curriculum Framework including overarching curriculum and other literature; and
address Indigenous knowledge and or issues; and links as needed to other references

Assessment and Evaluation statements in place. Assessment: you need to provide some
comments on how student learning will be assessed. This may include both formative and
summative assessment
Evaluation: you need to indicate how you will evaluate the effectiveness of your unit of work

Classroom management and organization: indications in main documents and in lesson plans of
management and organization aspects

Use of ICT (self and students). Evidence of you using ICT in the organization and presentation of
the documentation (e.g. a hyperlinked set of docs or e-portfolio). Evidence of you requiring
students to use ICT




Overall Comments

Unit of Work Structure

Main Document

Unit Name
Unit description a paragraph
Timeline: how many weeks? How many sessions per week? A timetable or simply a description
Year and Band level: note in D&T the curriculum is organised across 2 or 3 year levels
Major themes and big understandings: a brief statement of the overarching themes or major learning
Focus curriculum area: is Technology and Design. Indicate specific learning outcomes to be addressed
and their link to the Curriculum Framework document (could be by a table). E.g.
AC Curriculum Content Descriptor

Specific Learning Outcome

Design and Technologies: Processes and Production

Skills Yrs 3-4
Generate, develop, and communicate design ideas and
decisions using appropriate technical terms and
graphical representation techniques (ACTDEP015)

Students will document( using words, tables and

drawings) in their journal their design for a boat and be
part of a group presentation that explains how the boat
was constructed.

Two Secondary curriculum areas: indicate the two secondary curriculum areas that your unit will address
and the small number of additional learning outcomes youll work on with links to the appropriate
Curriculum Framework (could be by a table as in the above e.g.)
Links to other Australian Curriculum statements: primarily ICT in the General Capabilities and ATSI
Histories and Cultures in the Cross-curriculum Priorities.
Unit lesson overview: provide a summary overview of the lessons. This could be via a table
Assessment: describe how student learning will be assessed. This may include both formative and
summative assessment
Evaluation: indicate how you will evaluate the effectiveness of your unit of work
References: normal academic referencing according to documents you have used
Supporting Documents

Individual lesson plans: you need to provide a min of 3 detailed 1 page lesson plans. A minimum of 3
would be necessary. Lesson plan designs are up to you but they need to provide enough information and
guidance to the teacher in order to teach the lesson
Assessment rubric: if used
Design Brief to be given to students: if used
Student workbook: if used

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