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Digital Art Olympiad 2010

Chris Whittington (HorseNoodles)

DNA Conflick

This piece of artwork features an eerie yet colorful arrangement of DNA strands and skulls.
Some of the skulls at the bottom of the page are warped and distorted, while others appear as normal.
Also, the DNA strands are entirely twisted and in no way represent natural symmetrical structure. I
believe that the artist intended to imply the moral faults with genetic research into genetic
manipulation. It is likely the artist is denouncing genetic manipulation such as genetic engineering and
cloning based on beliefs of religion and/or personal morals. The center skull appears to be some sort of
abomination, which has a monstrous look to it. Also, the skulls at the bottom right and left corners of
the art are warped out of proportion, as if to imply only ‘God’ can make perfection. The artwork
describes a very controversial issue in our society today, science versus religion.

Kyle Cooper

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