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(Also Class 51-2015)
Public Safety Junior Leadership Course as indicated under
BJMP Manual Revised 2007 under Book 1 Chapter 2 Rule 1 on the
Career and Personnel Development Program specifically Section
6 Letter d Number 2 states that PSJLC or its equivalent is
required for the ranks of Senior Jail Officer 1 and Senior Jail
Officer 2; thus, for career progression, every member of PSJLC
2015-02 with the rank of JO2 and JO3 aimed to acquire such
career course.
With the issuance of BJMPDPRM Special Orders Number
2015-040 dated 13 March 2015; seventy-nine (79) personnel from
different regions were relieved from their present assignment
and reassigned to the BJMP-NHQ and further detailed to
National Jail Management and Penology Training Institute
(NJMPTI) to undergo the Public Safety Junior Leadership Course
composing the PSJLC Class 51-2015 at Camp Vicente Lim,
Calamba City, Laguna effective 30 April 2015.
As such, in compliance to the aforementioned Special
Order, subject personnel reported to NJMPTI on 30 April 2015 for
registration and enrolment. And by 04 May 2015, the Public
Safety Junior Leadership Course Class 51-2015 was formally
opened (in Joint Ceremony with JOOC 2015-01, JOCC 2015-01
and PSSLC 2015-02) as spearheaded by J/CSUPT EMILIE PANTOJA
ARANAS, Director of NJMPTI and renaming it to PSJLC 2015-02
composing fifty-seven (57) members out of seventy-nine (79)
The 5th day of May year 2015 marks the second (2 nd)
reception that every BJMP Member would ever encounter (being
first (1st) was during the Recruit Days), each and every member
of the Class was very excited yet nervous on how be the
reception would be like. Such date started with a wake-up call
at 0415H followed by the 4x12 very good counts on the BJMP
Dozen or popularly known as the Reveille. With the expectations
that there could be more physical activities to come, each
member of PSJLC Class 2015-02 felt tormented when the

Commandant, J/SUPT RONALDO MAMITES SENOC had directed

every one (including the JOOC 2015-01, JOCC 2015-01 and PSSLC
2015-02) to drop down and crawl across the grandstand with
approximately 300 meters away. Such event is everyones most
unforgettable and challenging yet very exciting and thrilling
experience of OUR LIFE.
It was on the 6th of May 2015 that our Class was finally
completed with the arrival of the 58th member of PSJLC 2015-01;
JO3 Eduardo Arellano, who was likewise became the CLASS
As regards to the Class Profile, PSJLC 2015-02 is composed
of 58 members tallied as follows;
As to Ranks:

56 were JO3s and

2 were JO2s
As to Gender:
49 were Males and
9 were Females
As to Seniority: Batch 1992 being the most Senior
Batch 2005 being the most Junior for JO3
Batch 2009 being the most Junior for JO2
As to Age:
51 being the Oldest
32 being the Youngest

Furthermore, aside from the elected Class Officers of

PSJLC 2015-02, our Class is also known as the MARANGAL
having the Class Color as MAROON AND GOLD; Class Song as
At present, our Class might be struggling for trying to fit
in in everyones attitude and behaviors; it is but normal
because we came to the different walks of life. All of us are
intelligent but there are few who are very eager to stand out
and volunteering to make things work. Lots of us have the
abilities and skills to be leaders but some has overflowing
confidence to lead our Class. Being as it may, there would only
be one goal that each and every one of us would want to
attain, and that is to finish this course and be proud
Graduates of PSJLC 2015-02. SO HELP US GOD

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