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by Vishavdeep Singh

Date: 1/21/16

Walls Essay Exam

For many years countries like China, have been in constant battle
with enemies or each other. China had been warring with each other or
with the mongols. Until Qin Shi Huangdi, the first emperor of China
during the Qin (Ch'in) Dynasty (221 B.C - 206 B.C.). stood up and
connected all the wall in order to defend against the mongols and keep
the states in peace, that wall is known as the GREAT WALL OF CHINA.
The Great Wall of China is also known as The Wall of a Thousand Li( Li
means miles in Chinese) the emperor thought he would be protecting the
citizens of China but instead he killed 3,000 citizens died. But why
everyday people like businessmen to students make walls and
separating themselves from the public? That one person can be making
friends or doing something good. In a poem written by Robert Frost, one
character states that,Good fences make good neighbors(25th verse). This probably

shows that if make a wall between you and this other person it would make a certain type
bond between you and that other person. But is there anything negative of real walls?
Many walls are never positive like the Berlin Wall. The website BBC says that,
During the early years of the Cold War, West Berlin was a geographical loophole through
which thousands of East Germans fled to the democratic West. In response, the Communist
East German authorities built a wall that totally encircled West Berlin. It was thrown up
overnight, on 13 August 1961. This also shows that Germany was divided and the
communists never got real freedom for about 12-13 years which is pretty sad. Also, many
people never had fresh bananas(nor any type of banana) in those 12-13 years on the other
side of the wall. Although, the wall was made to make the communists not enter West
Germany many non communists have been also trapped the only efficient way to escape
East Germany was by hot air balloons. The dumber ways were either ramming your car
into the wall and escape or jump over the wall and escape but you will die because after the
wall were a bunch of dogs then a fence and barbed wire on top of it then watch towers with
chain guns, then a fence with barbed wire and last more dogs that can kill. The last
question is are walls positive?
Right now on the border between America and Mexico they are making a wall. This
wall is being made because the President doesn't want illegal immigrants coming in. This a
positive reason because what if those were illegal immigrants with guns and grenades and a
bunch of C-4 bombs. This a positive reason for many reason.

Therefore in conclusion, in its own way walls can negative things that can separate
India from Bangladesh or a wall separating Germany from each other or many positive
things that can help keep people safe. Such as from ISIS or the Mongols or from the US
Navy or the Seals or whatever. Walls can kill people and save people both ways. This is
what walls can do.

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