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Sforza-Ankhotep.The mtlmmies must protect the heart

their power or they and their future will cease to exist.
Lay Down with Lions is the second novel in the Yea


3N 1-58846-803-8 WWlOa

The vamDire called Beckett slimed into the citv

natience. The hunters effectiveness was undeniable.

Sabbat was making everyone even more cautious than

The man shook his head, unsure of how he should

other supernatural creatures so that thev could have


not to discomfort: Rcckett shifted in the scat trving to

Intent as he was on the mystery in which he found

+ I +

surged within Beckett. Instead of tearing out the mans

T 7


Winter boots lav on the floor. but there were no other

Reckctt stood at the window. draDes racked onen.

This is all most hebful. William. Beckett said.

un Aurmstus finger. He lav it in the Dalm of his hand

was more re-

ad subjugated Ekcketts



look at the man in the knit cap. He was advancing,

Thea Ghandour knew almost exactly when her

last member of the group. Dean


DcoDle she knew and a half-dozen foreigners caught

were too heavy. Her typical

bedroom door clicked shut. What rhe hell?Thca chewed

That nichht was burned in Tlieas mind with a clar-

ea had decided. If shes cal


attention between what Camenter was savine and the

much to the table, he knew enough about the super-

Camenter leaned awav. eves narrowine in sumrise

ent, mote as

the bonds remained too str

Jakewas flailingwith his opponent,Thea swung the heaw

on of glass and wood

to catch on film.They

away anymore; must


thundering uu the stairs. lake waited at the turnstile wav-

a shout of their own and moved to Dursue them. The vam-

Cautious, she stepped into the showerstall. She took

The first thing Nicholas noticed was the horrible

that called to him. Having opened himself to it in this

A demerate d a n took form. Camenter flicked

r that struck him

When Beckett arose the next night, he found a

e'd had little success the first time

but death and chaos had surrounde

She and lake were seated along the left sideofthe table,

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