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The Anoixi Herald www.theanoixiherald.weebly.




It all started on Monday the 28th of September when Myrto came to
school in a very trendy short haircut. Her hair was really strong and
long, you know, the kind of hair any girl would be jealous of, so I
confronted her about it. I can't believe you had the heart to cut such
beautiful hair for the sake of being trendy. Her answer was the most
unexpected one anyone could get: Why, Miss, I had my hair cut short in
order to donate it to a kid that suffers from cancer and really needs
hair!. I was stunned... speechless...!! What she told me was
simply.....mindblowing! After you read her story, I am sure you will be
just as amazed!
Myrto: About a year ago I found out about a campaign called Wigs for kids when I
accidentally came across a video about a girl that had her hair cut to donate it for a wig for
kids that have got cancer and other diseases that make your hair fall out. At the time , my hair
was short, so I had to wait for it to grow. I was very impatient and I was trying to find out how
to help my hair grow faster ,for example coconut oil etc, but it wasn't easy. So, I had to wait for a
whole year including the summer time, which was really hot for me. Anyway, at some point, I
got disappointed both because my hair hadn't grown as much as I would have liked it and
because no matter how hard I had been trying to find out how to donate my hair in Greece, I just
couldn't work out how to do it! I had, sort of , given up when my mother suggested my having a
modern sidecut and an undercut and leave just a fringe. When we went to the salon, they asked
me : would you like to donate your hair?You just can't imagine my enthusiasm! I had the
chance to make my dream come true here in Greece! It was nothing short of a miracle!
I would have easily shaved off all of my hair if they had let me! I know that my hair will grow
back in no time but a kid with cancer doesn't have my chances and most of them cannot afford
a wig with proper real hair or have implants.. You see, cancer has always been in my bad books. I
have always wanted to do something about it but I 'm too young. This is my attempt to help a
kid in need feel better. I believe it will really make a difference to their life!
Interviewer: what did your parents think about your decision?
Myrto: Well, my parents were a bit sceptical at first. But I knew I would look good in short hair

so I have felt very confident about my decision me a picture of the wig and of the kid who will
since day one. For months I watched videos
be wearing it!I will be so happy when that
about ill people, which made me feel depressed so happens!
I really wanted to help!
Interviewer: Would you meet this kid if you had
Interviewer: How did you feel when they asked the chance?
you to donate your hair?
Myrto: Yes, absolutely!
Myrto: I wanted to jump with joy! I
Interviewer: What would you say to other kids
immediately said YES! I was soooo excited to who might consider doing something like that?
know I will do something which will make a
Myrto: I would definitely urge them to do it!
difference! My hair wouldn't go to waste!!
When I talk about it, I don't do it in order to
Interviewer: How did you feel during the
brag about it but in order to raise awareness on
the issue. There are real people out there with real
Myrto: LIke my cheeks were on fire!That's how problems! I know girls with long hair who cut it
thrilled I was! At the salon, they took before and short and it all goes to waste! That makes me
after pictures as well as my mother's approval. I sad!I also find it selfish to hear girls say I
also had to sign some papers to prove that
care but don't actually do anything to really
nobody forced me to do it. Then, I had four
help others, even something so simple as having
braids, two on the side and two on the back.
their hair cut for a good cause!
They cut my hair and when I saw the result, I Interviewer: A closing remark?
just loved it!I love my hair as it is now although Myrto: Cancer is one the worst diseases! It's so
it may be harder to style or sometimes wear a frustrating for me! If I don't manage to do
beanie, but that's ok! I have beanie fever!
something about it one day, I'll be so mad at
Interviewer:Will you ever know what happened myself!
to your hair?
Interviewer's comment: Myrto,You are a gem! I
Myrto: They 've got my e-mail and my phone am sure one day you will help make this world
number. If they know who the wig goes to, they a better place! You are a shining example to us
will let me know. I hope one day, they will send all! WE LOVE YOU!!!!!
Usain Bolt is a worldwide famous sprinter from Jamaica. He is the holder of the world record in the field
sport of 100 metres. He was born in the village Treloni in Jamaica in 1986 and he was the son of a
greengrocer! He went to William
Nimb High School and he started his sporting
activities by playing cricket. He was
soon attracted to track despite his fathers
objections who wanted him to help
him in the shop!!!At the age of 15 he won one
gold and two silver medals at the
World Teenage Championship in 2002 at his
homeland, Kingston. His surname as
well as his outstanding performance made the
mass Media call him by the
Nickname << The Lightning Bolt >> and the
fastest man in the world. One of his
most astonishing performances was in 2008
when he won three gold medals in
the Olympic Games of Beijing. The sprinter
from Jamaica has been declared twice
world champion in Berlin where the whole
planet attended breathless Bolt
breaking his own world record running the 100
metres in 9,58 seconds, something
that was considered impossible for a human
Bolt himself has said: << I am happy that I have achieved so many goals but when you have
nothing else to aim for then you should retire. I will bequeath the sport to the next
generations because I hate losing. >>

Eva Billi A2


Paintball is a team game which is

played with guns. These guns are called
markers and throw balls filled with
There are usually two tracks.
The first is called speedball the second
is colled recball.
The game objective is to mark the
opponent so to get them out out of the

The main gate of entrance for Europe for the

refugees of Syria is Greece throughout 2015.
Almost 170.000 refugees came in European Union
only in September. Indicative of the increase of
refugees is that the whole 2014, there had come
282.000 refugees. It is highlighted that the Greek
islands and especially Lesvos continue to accept
strong pressure because of the number of refugees
who have arrived there since January. In September
the number reached 350.000. More than 100 kids
died in September only
Agatha Pavlikanidi A3
AO Anoixis
AO Anoixis is a football academy in the Anoixi. It's
a very good team. The aim is to help all children
get better at football.For registration information
enter on our website on facebook
. In our website you can find
information about other sports, too.

Nick Savvas A3

Rei Hotza A3

An unusual Halloween event in London, U.K.

A spooky Halloween party at the unique Hornsey
Town Hall, with live music, DJs, silent disco,
zombie cinema and other freaky events.
This frightfully fun Halloween party is set in the suitably spooky
and also beautiful Hornsey Town Hall over two nights, where you
can enjoy cabaret, circus performance, DJs, a live band, a 'zombie
cinema' and a silent disco. There'll also be a human ghost train,
ghost lectures and other freaky things. Ticket price includes a
warming drink on arrival, which should give you just enough Dutch
courage to face the horror. Don't forget your Halloween fancy dress
you'll need it to blend in with the zombies. :)
Aris Tsarmaklis B3




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