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forward FET losses unit definitions nS := 10 ×s

Lpri := 3.85× mH N := N = 4.4
circuit parameters 5
bias supply voltage Vdrive := 10× V

RdriverH := 7.6× ohm RdriverL := 3.5× ohm

MOSFETdriver MIC4416

MOSFET parameters FBQ8N25: RdsON := 0.55× ohm

VSP is the VGS voltage where the VDS VSP := 6.8× V

RGint := 1.5× ohm RGext := 0 × ohm

QG(SW) can be taken from the Gate Charge Characteristics graph as the difference between the
end of the flat portion and the QG value at VTH . If the graph is not available, a good estimate is
QGD + 0.5*QGS.
-9 -9
QGSW := 7 × 10 × coul QG := 12× 10 × coul

Coss := 110 × pF

Diode properties

trr := 50× nS Irec := 1 × A

Vin := 65× V Vout := 5.6× V Iout := 6× A fsw := 250 × KHz

duty cycle = db, assume Vdiode := 0.5× V Vswitch := 1 × V h := 0.85 assume

( Vout + Vdiode)× N
d b := d b = 0.419
Vin - Vswitch

Iout× Vout + Vdiode )
Ipri := Ipri = 1.58 A DI := 0.0× A
d b × h × Vin

db éæ DI ö
DI ö ù
× êç Ipri -
æ DI ö æ DI ö æ
IswitchRMS := ÷ + ç Ipri - ÷ × ç Ipri + ÷ + ç Ipri + ÷ ú
3 ëè 2 ø è 2 øè 2 ø è 2 øû

IswitchRMS = 1.023 A

assume for temp_factor := 1.6

Note: temp factor = 1.6 is used to worst case losses due to self heating; the alternative (but more
correct method) is to iterate the losses with temp rise until no additional temp rise is seen

Pcond := IswitchRMS × RdsON× temp_factor Pcond = 0.921 W
switching loss
Vdrive - VSP QGSW
IgateLH := I = 0.352 A tswLH := tswLH = 19.906 nS
RGint + RdriverH + RGext gateLH IgateLH

Vdrive - VSP QGSW

IgateHL := I = 0.64 A tswHL := tswHL = 10.938 nS
RGint + RdriverL + RGext gateHL IgateHL

tswLH + tswHL
Psw := fsw× Vin× Iout× Psw = 1.504 W

PCoss := 0.7× C oss× fsw× Vin PCoss = 0.081 W

Pgate_drive := QG× Vdrive× fsw Pgate_drive = 0.03 W

Prev_rec := .5× trr × Vin× Irec× fsw Prev_rec = 0.406 W

Ptotal := Pcond + Psw + PCoss + Pgate_drive + Prev_rec Ptotal = 2.942 W

alternate method

Pcond = 0.921 W

-9 -9
QGD := 3.4× 10 × coul QGS := 1.74× 10 × coul VTH := 4 × V

Poff1Q1 := 0.5× Vin× Iout × fsw× Poff1Q1 = 0.259 W


Poff2Q1 := 0.5× Vin× Iout × fsw× ×ç ÷ Poff2Q1 = 0.055 W
è VSP ø

Pgate_drive = 0.03 W

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