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Michelle Gates

Intro to Writing Arts

Professor Teston
7 April 2010

My Writing Technologies Self-Assessment

I consider myself to be technologically literate because throughout this module I have discovered how
to use the technologies that are available to me. I would also consider myself to be receptive to these
technologies and I am able to articulate affordances and constraints. I was not aware of any of the
technologies we used in this module (except for Twitter) and I’m glad I am familiar with them now
because they have created a lot of opportunities for me as a writer.

Google Docs: I never knew what Google Docs was or had any clue how to use it. But now I know how to
use it and I plan on continuing to use it. I like that you can work on the same document with multiple
people at the same time. Google Docs made doing my White Paper so easy [nerd] and kind of fun 
Twitter: I also have used Twitter (I signed up for one last year) before this module, but I never was able
to use all of the features (such as TwitPic and using hash tags). This module showed me that I could use
Twitter in multiple ways such as using it for classes, posting links and videos, and keeping up with
personal friends. I just wish I didn’t have such a silly Twitter username. I made my Twitter before this
class. Here’s a screen capture of my Twitter:

I really enjoyed using Twitter throughout this module because I was able to post little reminders and
thoughts I had. I also enjoyed seeing others Tweet. I also LOVED being introduced to because I
always saw people tweeting links and I never understood what it was until this module. Now I use all the time. It’s just so useful and easy.
Blogging: I love blogging. I have had a blog, a Livejournal to be exact, for some years and I was always on
and off with it. I like blogging but I found it hard to keep up with it regularly. I liked being a part of the
class blog because I got to see what others posted and I knew everyone was able to see my posts. Blogs,
to me, are like a community and it was a great experience to be a part of the blogging world for this
After this module, I would say that technology is my friend. Technology is there for us to use and it is a
great help with my life as a college student (and will continue to be helpful). I was never that person
who hated technology or did not want to use it. I was just a person who did not know all of the
possibilities technology held for me. The technologies we have used in this module have made an impact
on my life as a college student and has definitely made life a bit easier when it comes to school work.

Haas, C. (1996) Writing Technology. Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Nardi, B. and O’Day, V. (1999). Information Ecologies: Using Technology with Heart. Cambridge: MIT

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