Microsoft Excel

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Microsoft excel- Master handout

1. Microsoft excel is an electronic spreadsheet program. An electronic spread sheet can be used for
storing, organizing and manipulating data.
2. A) the default name is book1
B) The extension is .xls

a) Formula bar

b) Tabs bar

c) Column headings

d) Row labels

e) Filename

f) Cell

g) Column

h) Row

j) Ribbon

k) Status bar

n) Active cell
4.a) the columns run vertically b) the rows run horizontally
5. You call the intersection a cell.
6. The formula bar tells where the cursor is.
7. 8.43 characters wide

I) Name box
m) Fill handle

8. AA, AB, AC
9. A) Ctrl+home b) Ctrl+n
11. 1. You can type directly into a cell and add your data
2. You can use the formula bar
3. You can make the most out of autocomplete
4. Copy and paste
5. Autofill
12. Labels and values
13. Labels are justified in regular format
14. A cell contains a value when a number or one of the following symbols (+-,=$) is typed as the first
character in the cell
15. If its typed as a word or symbol its justified to the right
16. To start off a formula you have to put the equal sign as the first thing that you would put
17. A) =b2+c2
b) =c2-b2
c) =b2*c2
d) =b2/c2
e) =b2^c2
18. The formulas are relative to the cell you are calculating.
this is called a relative reference.
19. A) click on the Fill, pull down. Select Down. Or Ctrl+D
b) You press key f8
20. Go to home ribbon and click on sort and filter pull down. Click custom sort and for order and select
smallest to largest
21. It is good to use when there is a tie in the first sort.
22. Min, max, count, sum, average.

23. A) zero decimal places

b) Two decimal places
24. You can have 30 decimal places
25. You can select the option called number
26. They shift down
27. They shift over to the right
28. #### appears in the cell.
29. Merging and shading cells, changing column widths, inserting rows and columns, fix up the
formatting, adding borders, editing cells
30. To edit a cell you press f2
31. a) joins the selected cells into one
b) Copying the format from one place and applying it to another
c) To color the background of selected cells
d) Autosum
32. You go to format pull down and go to hide then go to hide columns
33. a) cut or copy
b) Cut or delete
c) Clear pull down then select all.
34. clear all is deleting everything
Clear format clears the text in the cells.
Clear contents erases what you have put into the cells.
35. a) means the columns are too narrow for the values
b) means a cell name is incorrect
c) means a cell you are referring to in a calculation has likely been deleted
d) #VALUE! means a cell you want to use in a formula is probably a label.

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