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Access Master Handout

1. Microsoft Access is a DBMS (also known as Database Management System) from

Microsoft that combines the relational Microsoft Jet Database Engine with a graphical
user interface and software-development tools.
2. a) A database management system (DBMS) is a software package designed to define,
manipulate, retrieve and manage data in a database. A DBMS generally manipulates the
data itself, the data format, field names, record structure and file structure.
2. b) the default file name for access is database1
2.c) the file extension .accdb will automatically be added to the end of the filename to indicate
that it is an Access database file.
3. Tables, Queries, Forms, and Reports.
5. Tables are used to allow you to enter field names and data the table will then store the
information that you enter.
6. Step 1: Click on the Tables tab
With your database open click on the Tables tab in the Objects column.
Step 2: Create Table using Design View
In the main view select Create table in Design view. This will open a new window with a table.
The table consists of three columns:
Field Name: The name of the field (i.e. Name, Phone Number, Email, etc.)
Data Type: The type of data that will be stored in this field. Options include text, number,
currency, and many more. Pick the appropriate one.
Description: (Optional) This field can be used to describe the information that is to be entered
in this field.
For each Data Type there are different options at the bottom of the Design view window.
Modify these to your liking.
Step 3: Save the Table and create Primary Key
Once you've created the fields you need to save the table. Simply go to File | Save to save the
table. You'll be prompted to enter a Table Name. Enter the name and click 'OK'. You will once

again be prompted with a new window stating there is no primary key defined. It is very
IMPORTANT that you select 'Yes' to let Access create the primary key for you. To maintain good
database design a primary key is necessary. You'll notice a new field name ID now appears in
the Design view with Data Type 'AutoNumber'.
Step 4: Start entering data into table First close the Design view window. In the Tables window
you should see your new table. Double click on it. This will open the table view which allows
you to enter data into the table.
7 a.) The Datasheet view looks similar to the excel spreadsheet
7 b.) There will be a sign that will say click to add for you to add a column
7 c.) to delete a column you highlight the things in the column you want to be deleted then you
have an option to cut which delete everything you have selected.

a) Field (circle) b) Record (circle) c) Field Name d) Field Contents

e) First Record button
f) Previous Record button g) Next Record button h) Last Record button
i) Specific record
j) Go To Field k) Total # Records o) Find button p)New Record button(2) q) Delete Record
button s) New Object button t) Insertion Point u) Primary key (circle)
v) Navigation bar w) View button

10. a) there are 18 records

b.) it contains 4 fields
11. Queries allow you to do calculations and select criteria in a database. You type in the
calculation and tell Access what information you want to find.
from the Objects list. From the Create Ribbon, click on the Query Wizard
button. From the pop-up that appears, select Simple Query Wizard then click OK. For
Tables/Queries, select Table:paytbl from the list. Click >> to add all the fields in the same order.
Click Next. Select Detail to see the records and the summary. Click Next. For title, type payqry.
Click Finish. Select the View button on the Home ribbon to switch to Design view for the query.
13. Design view allows you to create/edit the query
Datasheet view allows you to see the results of the query
14. Select the view button on the home ribbon to switch to design view
Scroll to the next empty field cell and click on the cell.
Type your formula in the cell and press enter
15. a) Cost:[Price]*[Quantity]
b) total cost: [Cost]*[tax]
16. Click back in the cell you typed the formula.
From the top toolbar, select the Properties Sheet button. The properties pane will appear in a
pane at the right.
Click in the blank area beside Format.
From the drop-down list, select Currency.
17. A) Forms display boxes that clearly show you where to enter information and usually display
one record at a time. Forms help you view, input, edit, and print data in index-card like format.
b.) Forms show the information for one record at a time.
18. From the Create Ribbon, click on the Form Wizard button.
For Tables/Queries, select Query:payqry from the list.
Click >> to add all the fields in the same order. Click Next.

Try the different layouts and view the sample preview.

Select Columnar. Click Next.
For Form title, type payfrm. Click Finish.
Select the View button from the toolbar to switch to Design view for the form.
19. Form view
Form design view
20. Form header- is at the top of the form.
Form footer- is at the bottom of the form
Page header- is underneath the form header
Page footer- is above the form footer
21. Reports are used for professional-looking documents that summarize and display data from
the database. You can perform calculations, such as averages or totals, in a report to summarize
22. From the Create Ribbon, click on the Report Wizard button.
For Tables/Queries, select Query:payqry from the list.
Add the fields in the following order: Click Last (then >), First, Rate, Pay. Click Next.
For Grouping, select Rate, then >. Click Next.
For sort 1, select Last from the list and click the Ascending sort button to switch to Descending
For sort 2, select First from the list.
Click Summary Options. Select Avg, Min, and Max Pay. Click ok. Click Next.
For Layout, select Stepped.
For Orientation, select Portrait. Click Next.
For report title, type June Payroll. Click Finish
23. the first view for report is print view- allows you to see the report how it turned out printed
on paper

Design view- allows you to change the report to how you like it.
24. = means equal
> more
>= above than
<= less than
<> make a selection using not equal to, use <>.
26 a.) Gives you the option of picking which view you would want for your file.

27. Report Use this object to create a professional printout.

Form used this object to print records in index card-like format.
Table Data is entered and stored in this object.
c) Query Use this object to do a calculation.

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