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The Orthopedic and Sports SIG will sponsor the meeting. You will receive 2
CEUs to participate in this journal club meeting. The first club meeting will
address a patient with lower extremity symptoms and low back pain (see
attached). You will need to answer 4 questions about the case and email the
answers to the meeting organizer before the meeting. You will be given access to
a peer-reviewed journal to answer questions about the case (see attached). The
meeting will last one hour and will take place on February 23rd 2016 (Tuesday)
from 7:30 PM to 8:30 PM. The meeting will take place online in a Twitter Chat
First Journal Club Objectives
1) Discuss differential diagnosis for a patient presenting with low back pain and
lower extremity symptoms
2) Discuss indications of diagnostic imaging for low back pain based on
evidence-based practice.
3) Discuss physical exam of a patient presenting with low back and lower
extremity symptoms based on evidence-based practice
4) Discuss intervention for a patient presenting with low back pain and lower
extremity symptoms based on evidence based practice

Requirements to receive CEUs for this Journal Club Meeting
1) Be a member of the FPTA Orthopaedic and Sports SIG
2) Have a Twitter Account
3) Have access to a computer before and during the meeting
4) Answer four questions about a patient case before the meeting and email
your name with your answers to
5) Sign in to a twitter chat room and participate in the chat room (hash tag
#ossig) on February 23rd 2016.

Instructions to register and participate in the Journal Club
1) If you do not have a twitter account, please create an account (see attached
document with instructions).
2) Read the attached the case scenario
3) Send your answers in a MS Word document to before
February 23rd 2016.

Any questions, please email the event organizer in the address below:

Carlos E. Ladeira
Associate Professor, Physical Therapy Program
Chairman of the FPTA Orthopedic & Sports Special Interest Group
Nova Southeastern University, Ft. Lauderdale, FL

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