Cyclists Guide To North East Lincolnshire

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Factual print can be defined as a publication that educates the viewer by giving them

factual information or evidence that is true and can be proven to be. Factual prints
generally are made for educational purposes and are there to educate the reader in a
certain topic, they do this by presenting the reader with facts and even instructions
depending on the form of the factual print.

Cyclists Guide To North East Lincolnshire

The example I have in front of me is the Cyclist's guide to north east lincolnshire by
north east lincolnshire council. The audience for this particular publication would be
cyclists in and around north east lincolnshire these would be of the socio economic
demographic from c1 to d as i believe that the poorer demographic as i believe that
everyone has availability to a bike. it uses inclusive language such as pedalway but it
does explain the inclusive language for example the advanced stop line they explain
the definition of this word by defining it in words breaking it down so the audience can
easily understand it's meaning and why it's used and to help them they also show a
diagram of what a advanced stop sign is, they do this for many of the road signs and
road marking in which they break down and show so the audience can easily
understand what it is they are seeing. The language they use is quite formal with little to
no abbreviations being used and no slang used I believe this is to give this leaflet a
professional look and make it more applicable to all ages rather than using slang and
words that only the younger generation of cyclists may understand.
This publication communicates the benefits of cycling to it's audience and also how to
bike safely doing so also showing a map of cycle routes throughout north east
lincolnshire. it might appear to be more based for the younger generation as the font is
stereotypically more sided towards a younger audience compared to a more formal
looking font which would stereotypically represent an older audience. this publication
uses a mixture of stock images and original photography that they have taken just for
this publication which sow the east pennine express with somebody climbing on board
with a bike and the healing pedalway sign these can't be stock images as no one one
specifically have taken these shot as they are area specific. the colours in this
publication are quite bright and happy to give a positive look to the subject matter, the
background in which the text is placed on top is a drawing of a cyclist riding through the
countryside I believe this adds a nice subtle look to the leaflet as i didn't notice it at first
but it is the image that is on the cover of the leaflet, this picture uses a lot of blue and
green i feel this is to connote the feeling of nature for green as it is almost encouraging
cycling to protect nature and not drive a car which is damaging our environment with its
carbon emissions, and is saying that if we don't start changing and switch to cycling we
won't have nature anymore, and calming for blue as I believe that cycling is a very
calming activity and pastime which is very relevant to the leaflet as it is trying to promote

cycling to the public, so I believe showing cycling as a calming and peaceful way of
getting to places, I also believe that it is trying to say that cycling instead of driving will
bring you closer to nature in a sense. On a glance this image is easy to look at with it's
simple graphics and easy to understand way in which the text is formatted into different
sections with bold titles and subheadings which make the pieces of text in this article
easy to understand and easy to find.
The copy is very clear and relatively formal it doesn't use any slang or acronyms which
means this article is easy to understand for the audience and any inclusive language is
explained in different sections enabling the viewer to understand. This publication is
very much more sides towards cycling i wouldn't say it was bias but it is more sided in a
way to encourage cycling but this is because it is a publication about cycling rather than
any other mode of transport. The information used is very accurate and depicts a very
real depiction of cycling in my eyes, it uses facts such as uses up over 300 calories for
a 30 minute bike ride this statement is one i have used for an example this statement is
very true and includes a lot of accurate and factual information and because it a council
published document you expect it to include nothing but the truth and having
researched this statement online I can confirm it is true but if they wanted to have more
credibility I believe it would be good to have a reference page where they have gotten
all of these facts and information from.

How To Report A Hate Crime

This example is Created by victim so you would expect the information
that is inside this publication to be true and factable and to be proven but you expect it
to be that because it is goverment funded publication and that is is has to be true to be
published if the govermant have anything to do with this leaflet.The leaflet is 12 pages
of information regarding reporting a hate crime and who to report it to. it covers this

process in 10 steps over 10 pages (the remaining 2 pages are the cover and the back
cover recaps the information that has been said in the publication), the publication is
very much centered on the general public as an audience as it isn't just hate crime
victims that should pick this up, as it is trying to tell people what a hate crime is and
what to do so a hate crime victim might pick this up and know what to do about the
crime they were a victim of or for instance the reason why i don't say hate crime victims
specifically as because it tells us what a hate crime is i think it is very much meant for
the general public and for them to when reading what a hate crime is can think if they
have had anything done to them that is the same nature as the hate crime definitions
described in the leaflet and then they can take appropriate action accordingly by
following the steps of the booklet. I would say that the audience is from c1-e as
stereotypically a-b wouldnt pick up a leaflet as they are portrayed as the sort of people
who wouldn't, but i think it's meant for the middle/lower classes as it's simple easy to
understand way in which this publication is made makes it easier for the lower classes
to understand as stereotypically the lower classes can't understand big words, which
there are none in this the publication is very clear and relatively formal which means
this article is easy to understand for the audience and any inclusive language is
explained in different sections enabling the viewer to understand. It's headings are very
centred towards teenager - mid 20s I say this as the headings are the only part of this
publication which are very much worded as if towards them they include some slang
3. Sticks And Stones And All That being a shortened version of the rhyme Sticks
And Stones May Break My Bones But Names Will Never Hurt Me in this context it is
referring to how the crime is being violent and tells you that it's a criminal offence as well
as defining the hate crime so whether it's a stranger publicly encouraging others to hate
gay people, a neighbour harassing you because you have a learning disability or a
colleague posting a antisemitic abuse on your facebook page, report it. i believe that
the leaflet is getting the point across of what is a hate crime by putting it into scenarios
that people might have seen before enabling them to then identify that as hate crime
and equipping them with what to do if they are a victim or a passer by who witnesses a
hate crime. The titles also contain references to pop culture such as 5. Who You Gonna
Call? being a reference to the 1984 comedy Ghostbusters but in this context it is
referring to who you gonna call? when reporting a hate crime, it then gives you useful
information about whether to call 999 if you are in immediate danger or if it isn't urgent
to call 101 it then tells you everything that you will have to answer during the call to
either 999 or 101. This leaflet is set on a white background with black text and red
headings which to me the red is conveying the feeling of hurt which is relevant for a
booklet about how to report hate crimes because this is the feeling that the victims will
be feeling also red is to signal danger so the booklet is subconsciously telling you all
and any crime pointed out is a hate crime and that they are all equally dangerous. Black
was used as it is easy to read especially when it was used on a white background
which it has in this publication, the font used on the this publication is bold san serif

which is there to look very to the point rather than it being serif and looking fancy it is
sans serif to be very bold and to the point rather than being made to look fancy and
what would stereotypically a b-a demographic publication as serif is what is commonly
used in those.

Disneyland water parks

This publication is very well informed it gives the viewer key information regarding the
whereabouts of the park and the attractions at each waterpark it cover typhoon lagoon
and blizzard beach. (started not finished)

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