Teaching Philosophy Senior Weebly

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Benjamin Franklin once said, Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember,

involve me and I learn. A student does not learn through a formula in which teaching yields
learning. Learning is a process by which someone immerses themselves in activities and
exploration. Learning is something all students have the aptitude and justification to do, but it is
not carried out similarly. Every student possesses their own preference of exploring and learning
a topic. For learning to be successful, the opportunities must present options that are
differentiated amongst the different learning styles and interests. By providing students with a
meaningful learning experience and a quality education we are giving them the road maps and
tools to be successful on their own journeys through their education and pursue happiness in
their lives.
The learning process draws comparison to a road trip. Some students are have different
destinations but may take similar routes. Other students may take exponentially different routes,
but they end up at the same destination. Some roads may seem more treacherous for one student,
but it may be the road another student enjoys takes. Students are individuals with a variety of
backgrounds, preferences, and abilities that teachers must consider while creating learning
opportunities in the classroom. Howard Gardners theory of multiple intelligences and learning
styles affirms this belief. I also believe students will exert effort into activities in which they
thrive in. When students apply themselves, they will retain this knowledge for a longer time as it
becomes more meaningful to them, just as the detours and wrong turns become a meaningful part
of the experience for travelers.
Gardner also affirms that instruction that prospers for one student may not yield results
for another. Students excel when they learn in a way that is most attainable to them, such as
visual, auditory, kinesthetic, intrapersonal, and interpersonal learning styles. Gardner also

theorized that students are intelligent in different subjects and areas. Using these areas to learn
other subjects creates a cross curriculum union of learning. This union combined with multiple
applications of learning styles creates a natural journey of learning.
Teachers set up opportunities to give students the tools, accommodations, and resources
that students need to successfully learn from their explorations. I want to provide my students
with every possibility and option to help them reach their personal learning goals. I strive to not
only teach students curriculum but to be a professional model of citizenship, decision making,
and mentorship in the classroom. I will facilitate activities in which they attempt to teach these
life lessons and the curriculum in a way that all students have access to the content. The teacher
may not have individualized instruction for each student, but each student should feel engaged in
the activities and lessons and feel they can be successful.
Step into a classroom practicing these things and you will see co-teachers engaging
different groups of students in a few different activities with every student attempting to be
successful. The teachers will be the guides for learning and the students will be the excited
explorers. Both teachers will encourage every students learning differences and offer them tools
and guidance to be successful. In my classroom, we are fair, and according to Rick Riordan,
Fairness does not mean everyone gets the same. Fairness means everyone gets what they need.

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