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Literature in its broadest sense, is any written work. Etymologically the

term derives from Latin litaritura/litteratura "writing formed with letters",
although some definitions include spoken or sung texts.
The roots of all our modern academic fields can be found within the
pages of literature. Literature in all its forms can be seen as written records,
whether the literature itself be factual or fictional, it is still quite possible to
interpret facts through things like characters actions and words or the
authors style of writing and the intent behind the words.
Pre-colonial inhabitants of our islands showcase a rich past through
their folk speeches, folk songs, folk narratives and indigenous rituals and
mimetic dances that affirm our ties with our Southeast Asian neighbors.
Spain conquered the Philippines for more ordinary reasons but contributed
much in the shaping and recording Philippine literature. Literature in this
period may be classified as religious prose and poetry and secular prose and
poetry. A new set of colonizers brought about new changes in Philippine
literature and with literary modernism that highlighted the writer's
individuality and cultivated consciousness of craft, sometimes at the expense
of social consciousness. Many colonizers came to the country and despite
their dominance; they have contributed to the richness of countrys
Philippine literature before are diverse and rich. Colonizers brought to
the country liberal ideas and an internationalism that influenced our own
Filipino intellectuals and writers for them to understand the meanings of
liberty and freedom thus, creating the emergent literature. Filipino writers
continue to write poetry, short stories, novellas, novels and essays whether
these are socially committed, gender/ethnic related or are personal in
intention or not. Present literature mostly deals with social problems
including poverty, political issues, sex-related issues, racial and familial
problems. Old literature tackles sex-related issues depicted in their riddles
just like stories nowadays that reveal rape cases. Also the strength of
characters in fighting for the grievances in life is showed. More bold and
sensitive topics are uncovered in different genres bringing interested and
updated issues. Racial discrimination prevails in most of the emergent
literatures. It also tackles that poverty introduces people to more sacrificing
and dangerous situation and accompanied with problems involving sex. Also,
the political issues that causes trouble between people is emphasized.
Through literature we are able to continuously uncover new
information about history and introducing new taste of present literature.
Information became easier to pass down from generation to generation once
we began to write it down. From the emergent literature, people were able to
study new issues, improve on ideas, further gained knowledge, and improve
academic fields. In much the same way as the literature that we study today
continue to be updated as we continue to evolve and learn more and more.
Literature today exists in symbiosis with national literatures, enabling writers
in small countries to reach out to global audiences, and helping readers

around the world gain a better sense of the world around them as it has been
reflected and refracted in the worlds literatures over the past five millennia.

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