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Unit Plan Template

Ecem Bayku
Enes Sarba
Unit Content
English Language
Grade Level [ASSURE (Analyze Learners)]
11th Grade ( Junior)
6 lesson hours
Prerequisites [ASSURE (Analyze Learners)]
At least A2 English language proficiency, basic reading, writing, vocabulary and listening
Sequence of the Content
1)From Adventure to Explore
1A) Adverbs
2) Seven wonders of the world
2A Past Tense
3) Places to see
3A) When-while clauses



1. Week
2. Week

June Month

Unit Plan
Learning Outcome


Measurement &

Identify unknown vocabulary

items in text and reliably
distinguish between
adjectives and adverbs.
Correctly convert adjectives
into adverbs and use
accurately these items in
daily discourse.

Question and answer
Brain Storming
Word games
Word category guessing

Acting out a dialogue related to

subject with peers
Writing assignment which
includes correct usage of
learned adjectives and

Correctly identify unknown

vocabulary items and
grammatical patterns in text.
Correctly and accurately use
past tense and vocabulary

Describe pictures with past

Vocabulary tests
Reading and comprehension
Writing assignment which
includes use of the past tense
Grammar test

3. Week

Correctly identify unknown

vocabulary items and
grammatical patterns in text.
Correctly and accurately use
when-while clauses and
vocabulary items

Question Answer
Watch a video and form
sentences containing
when-while clauses by
describing the events in
the video

When-while clause test

Fill in the blank exercise
Writing a short piece on a place
students have visited with
using when-while sentences

Lesson Plan Template


Enes Sarba
Ecem Bayku

English Language
Unit Title
Grade Level
11th Grade
6 Hours
Learning Outcomes [ASSURE (State Objectives)]
Correctly identify and use past tense, when-while clauses and adverbs in sentences. Correctly use and
identify new vocabulary items in unit. Students will use past tense with its conjunction and the form of
adverbs up to %85 when they need to use them.
Instructional Materials & Media [ASSURE (Select Strategies, Technology, Media and Materials)]
Textual media, visuals, presentation, team work, vocabulary building, writing assignments, speaking
Learning-Teaching Methods [ASSURE (Select Strategies, Technology, Media and Materials)]
Lesson plan contains both teacher centered and student centered learning strategies. In teacher centered
part, the teacher will direct the students and they will provide basic instructional information about the
subject. The teacher will also use presentations and demonstrations for the duration of the lesson. In student
centered part, the teacher will be facilitator and the students will make discoveries and decisions. They will
engage in cooperative learning and games.
Teaching Activities [ASSURE (Utilize Technology, Media, and Materials and Require Learner
Individual Learning Activities

Reading the text will improve students critical

thinking. Brainstorm, question-answer, word games will
help them to improve their creativity.

Group Learning Activities

Students will work in peers and they will act out a

dialogue which contains correctly used adverbs.
Writing groups will allow them both to practice past
tense and when-while clauses and to increase peer

In the lesson the teacher and student centered learning will be used. The teacher will direct students and be
facilitator for the students at the same time. Students will be encouraged to be actively participating in the
lesson. The students individual and social skills will be improved. The lesson will be enhanced through the

use of visuals and textual media.

Measurement & Evaluation
Measurement & Assessment Activities for
Individual Performance
Measurement & Assessment Activities for
Group Performance

Grammar Test for evaluating and measuring use of past

tense and when while clauses. Vocabulary test for
measuring the correct usage of adverbs and other
vocabulary items covered in the lesson.
Writing assignments for measuring and evaluating the
grammatical pattern usage of students. Dialogue
reenactment for measuring usage of adverbs.

Write the points regarding to the measurement and evaluation which you want to explain. (If any)
Explanation regarding to the implementation of the plan
The Teacher should prepare the materials require for the lesson in advance and additionally the teacher
should verify the lesson is appropriate for their language proficiency level. The teacher should verify the
assignments are school and age appropriate. The lesson will begin with the question-answer and
brainstorming activity about the the topic. After these activities, the students will read the text and then
move on to identifying grammatical patterns. The teacher will then provide information about the
grammatical patterns. After explanations is finished, students will practice these patterns via tasks.( writing,
word games, etc.)
Back Up Plan
If there is a problem with the video which is shown for the when-while clause practice, students can form their
own when-while clauses from their daily life.

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