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Creating a story board helped me to see the type of shots I would use for my
advert and also helped me remember what scenes where in what order. It gave
me an idea of how long the advert would be (without slow motion edited into
each scene) and I would then add slow motion to enhance to the sexuality of the
advert, because when the female actor drinks the diet coke it would pour down
her chest which will seem suggestive and sexualised and the slow motion adds
to this.

Mind Maps:
I made two mind maps. One for when I was choosing what product to advertise,
and the second was for when I had chosen the idea of diet coke, and I was
choosing between two advert ideas.

The mind maps have helped me to decide on what my idea should be for my
advert as it shows me a more narrowed down version of two different ideas that I
was choosing from and I also received feedback from others through a survey,
where the majority preferred idea 1, which was the idea I was most keen on.

Discussion Notes:
Throughout the production and planning, I received feedback for my ideas and
developing my ideas in order to get the advert to a higher, professional standard.
These included using a green-screen to get the location I wanted and also during
the editing process I received help to make the quality of the video and greenscreen to a better standard and exiting out the grey scale of the green-screen.

Comments from Peers:

The comments I received from my peers and others who watched the advert,
helped me with making changes and improvements to the advert. Some of the
feedback I received includes that they thoughts the target audience of over 18
was appropriate because the advert is quite sexualised so would be un-suited for
children or anyone under the age of 18. It was good because it was straight to
the point and showed off the product. They also found it quite humorous due to
the content and the scenes. I used the right type of actor for the advert (a petite
girl) because the product, Diet Coke, is for anyone going on a diet and watching
their weight, but still want to enjoy a soft drink. There is a female protagonist so
it shows it is aimed at women but could also be seen as to be aimed at men
because there is only a female character used in the TV advert and she has been
quite sexualised. My peers thought the Diet Coke logo at the end of the advert
was professional looking.
The advert was professional looking and would make the audience want to buy
the product. Some of the peers said that they would buy the product after
watching the advert. The advert advertises the product well. The advert was
memorable. The budget spot plan is addressed clearly. Few thought that the use
of the green-screen was good but many thought the quality of the camera was
good. The colours were well presented and good colour scheme used in the
advert because there were warm colours which relate to the product. The music
went well with the advert because it adds to the sexuality of the advert and the
background used in the green-screen was well-suited because it was a

background of Paris city lights and the warm colours relate well with the product
iconography. The music had a good tone of Soft Jazz and added to the desire to
buy the product. It works well with the scenes and what is happening in the
advert. The music isnt gender specified which was good.

Some improvements I could make included to make the different shots to be
edited more fluently. The use of a woman could suggest that it is aimed more at
men. It was a quite provocative advert so the target audience needs to be
thought about again. My peers felt the advert was mainly aimed towards men
because of how the advert was portraying the female character and would
attract more male audiences. People thought the location couldve been changed
either the background of the green screen or change the location to a more real
location. There was fuzziness in the green-screen at parts of the advert. You can
see that a green-screen has been used due to the fuzziness. According to the
peers, from the ASA it would be misleading, because it would be seen as though
it is aimed at attractive, petite girls who are on a diet, rather than everyone in
the desired age range (15-35).

After I received all the feedback for my first advert, I looked at the feedback and
considered making some changes including changing the advert to make it fit
the target audience better and more appropriately, as it was first planned to be
aimed at women but I decided to change it so that the target audience would be
aimed towards men because of the advert idea, which is quite sexual using a
woman as the main character in it, which would appeal to men more than
women. When re-shooting my advert, I also changed the location of it, so instead
of using the studio, I decided to shoot it on-location which was on the Rotherfield
site at the Henley College. Using the real location for the advert instead of the
studio, decreases the chances of bad quality of the video which wouldve been
more likely when using the green-screen as there were complaints that you could
see its been used as there was fuzziness in the background where the greenscreen was used. The ASA regulations would still apply to the advert, however
not as much as the first advert. This is because the first advert was only one
actor starring in it, a girl, who looks attractive and is quite petite which may give
off the wrong idea that it is aimed at females in that appearance, when really it is
aimed at everyone (but mainly women in the age range) in the desired target
audience age range. The second, final advert has been changed so that the
target audience is mainly towards men because of the visual style and the advert
as a whole, and it would appeal and attract men more than women.

Visual Style:
The visual style of my advert is quite casual and fun and it appeals to my target
audience well, because it is aimed at people aged between 18 and 35. It
especially appeals to men because of the style of the advert. It is quite
sexualised by using a female as the main character who is pouring diet coke
down her chest and in the background there are male characters sat on a bench
staring at her as she does so. I decided that the girl would be wearing a quite low
cut top so you can see her chest more clearly when the coke is pouring down her.
This would make it looks better and would suit the whole idea of the advert. I
then wanted the boys in the background to wear quite casual and dark clothes to
make the girl stand out more from them, and make it clear that shes the main

In my advert I edited out the Diegetic sound from each scene and decided to edit
the non-diegetic soundtrack to be used in the advert. The soundtrack I used was
I just wanna make love to you by Etta James. I wanted to use this soundtrack
because I thought it would go well with the advert and it was also used in the
previous Diet Coke advert with the Sexy Gardener and so it could act as a
follow-up advert to the previous one, and you would realise it would be a followup because of the same soundtrack. This was a version aimed at men whilst the
previous one (sexy gardener) was aimed at women.

Appropriateness to audience:
The appropriateness of my audience matches with my chosen target audience,
which is men and women aged between 18-35. This includes the appropriateness
of the advert and I have also therefore decided to keep this chosen audience for
the product as well. Whilst younger people under 18 can of course drink Diet
coke, I wanted to keep my target audience the same. My advert is quite
sexualised with the use of a female actor who is pouring diet coke down her
chest, which would also be more appealing to men rather than if there was a
male actor who was pouring diet coke down his upper body with abs showing,
which would then be more aimed at women. I wanted the advert to be mainly
aimed at men to attract them to buy the product more as it is currently a quite
female dominated drink.

Comparison of finished product to original intentions:

The first version of my advert was with just a girl as the character, wearing a
revealing top and she was standing in front of a green-screen of Paris city lights,
where she opened a can of diet coke and then in slow motion, the diet coke
poured down her neck and chest and then the diet coke logo at the end of the
advert. The second version of the advert, I used the same idea of a girl wearing a
revealing top and drinking the diet coke and it would pour down her neck and
chest, however, this time she would be walking casually in a park, and walks
past a group of boys who are staring at her, and she then takes out a can of diet
coke from her bag and opens it and drinks it. I did this because the first version
didnt relate to the target audience as well as this second version and the first
one didnt quite make sense that it would be aimed towards women due to the
contents in the advert. However, after receiving feedback I made changes to the
advert and decided to have the target audience aimed at men instead of women.

Also, using a real location instead of the green-screen looked better on screen
because now there werent any fuzziness or grey-scale parts in the background
as it wouldve been with the green-screen. It worked well with using the same
advert idea but in a different location because it looks more natural.

Effectiveness of techniques:
I decided to use an attractive girl with a revealing top as the technique to attract
a wider audience. This would be effective, especially with attracting my target
audience of men, because it would make them want to watch the advert and
therefore after seeing it they would be more likely to buy the product. I also got
more confident of this technique/ idea from the feedback I received from my
peers when the majority had said that the advert made them more likely to want
to buy the product.

Effectiveness of advert:
The advert is effective because it reaches out to the target audience
successfully, by grabbing their attention and making them more aware of and
wanting to buy the product. It grabs their attention because of the girl starring in
the advert that is walking past a group of guys and takes out a diet coke from
her bag you can already see that she is the main focus of the advert, also
because of the boys who are staring at her in the background of the screen.
When the girl starts pouring down the diet coke down her chest, it draws in the
audience because it is quite sexual which would attract the eyes.
My advert is also effective because of the quality of the filming and editing. The

filming is done quite well with the use of different angles and shot types which is
important for an advert when attracting its audience, because bad editing and/
or filming could make the audience less attracted to buying the product. The
filming and editing is better and improved from my first advert because in the
first one, I used a green-screen which became fuzzy and very grey-scale after the
editing and on the final outcome.
The sound used in the advert fits well because its the same soundtrack used in
the previous Diet Coke advert with the sexy gardener. The soundtrack is I just
want to make love to you by Etta James. I decided to use this soundtrack for my
second and improved advert because it went well with the scenes and made the
advert more energetic and fun. If I had used the same soundtrack as I used on
my first advert it wouldnt fit in well with the scenes in this second version
because of the pace of it and the cuts and edits. The soundtrack of the slow,
sexy jazz music fit well with the first advert because it was in slow motion and
quite sexual, whereas the second advert has more of a faster pace so I needed a
more upbeat and fun and energetic soundtrack.

Technical qualities:
The technical qualities of the first advert are of a good standard. The filming is
done well and the sound is well used and fits the advert and scenes, however,
the editing is slightly less professional as the green-screen makes it look very
fuzzy and grey-scale. This was one of the improvements I made to my advert
when I re-shot it a second time, but this time at a real location (not using a
studio). This made a huge improvement on the qualities of the advert because
using a real location cancelled out all the fuzziness in the background that
appeared when using a green-screen. My second advert is well filmed and edited
and the new music fits in well with this version as it is more upbeat and lively so I
wouldnt have been able to use the same soundtrack as the first advert because
slow, sexy jazz wouldnt suit the pace of the second attempt. The quality of the
sound is good as there arent any

Aesthetics qualities:
My first advert that I made was with just one female actor in front of a greenscreen and the image on the green-screen was Paris city-lights. This fit in well
with the soundtrack and made the advert look good as it also added to the
sensual mood that was created.
The second advert, however, was in a real location and the soundtrack was
changed to fit in better with how the new advert looks with the background and
the pace of it. The outfits that the actors wore were quite simple and casual yet it
suited the advert. The boys in the background are wearing hoodies and jeans
and this is so that they dont draw the attention to them more than the girl,
because the girl is wearing a back low-cut top which is quite revealing and works
for when the diet coke pours down her chest.

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