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Dustin Carlson-Hicks

Mr. Stapel
College Prep English B
22 January 2015


Snowball is a pig that plays a huge role in the start of the Animal Farm he helps lead the
army into the battle of cowshed and is know as a fearless leader. Snowball resembles Leon
Trotsky, Leon was known for being the founder of the red army. Leon played a huge role in the
soviet revolution. But in Josef Stalin's quest for power Trotsky is removed from his position as a
leader and kicked out. Trotsky was later found and executed for being a war criminal, even
though he didn't nothing but help the soviets.
Snowball is a pig that is very hard to read during this book he is known as a leader
in some instances he is also known for his bravery and valor. But to Napoleon he is seen as
nothing but an enemy. Snowball wants nothing but to help the revolution and he is doing
everything that he possibly can in order to do that. Snowball at times falls under the terms of self
actualisation, I say this because he is trying to make himself feel good by making others happy.
He is trying to fulfill his own needs while trying to fulfill others. And at other times snowball
could fall under the category of social, because he is always trying to be accepted by everyone
because he is trying to give them what they want and what they need. Snowball is all around a
very good pig but it is hard for him to help anyone because he is always being opposed by

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