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Tina Pan
Dual Enrollment English
Narrative Essay
September 28, 2015
The Heartbeat
Leaving the physicians office, Angelas eyes shimmered with the tears of joy. She placed
her hand over her belly, feeling for a heartbeat. Lub-dub lub-dub. Possibilities of what it would
look like poured into her mind. A thrill of excitement ran through her as she thought of the
different names for her unborn baby.
Later on that night, Angela told her husband, Evan, that in seven months he will be a dad.
Evan started to pace back and forth across the living room. A mixture of feelings developed on
his face. At last, he furrowed his brows and frowned. Have you told our parents? he asked.
Angela sighed and replied, No, I havent. Hearing that, Evan suggested that she should call
them. That night, the birds chirped and thunder roared.
The sunlight streamed through the windows of the bedroom. Scattered throughout the
floor of the room were balled up tissue paper from last night. The blinding light woke Angela up.
Turning away from the blinding light, she saw the empty box of Kleenex, reminding her of the
dreadful conversation with her parents last night. Pushing the thought away, she hopped out of
After an hour long ride, Angela and Evan finally arrived at her parents house. Without a
warm welcome, they were told to sit on the couch. Usually, a cup of water or tea would be
served, but none are given this time. Jumping straight to the point, Angelas mother said, Youre

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getting rid of the baby, Angela. Evan doesnt have a job, and he gambles. The baby will just
become another problem.
Mom, this is my first child. I will not abort it, Angela argued.
Give me some time, about a month. I will have a job by then. Evan added.
Without second thought, Angelas father said, No. I will not allow this. I have never
thought of you as my son-in-law. After some more pleading and begging, Angelas father said,
Angela will stay with us during the month youre looking for a job. Remember, only one month
or else Angela will have an abortion. Agreeing on such a short time period, Evan immediately
drove home to find work.
After dinner, Angela went up to her old room. It was kept neat and organized just like the
day she left it. Looking at the family photo sitting on top of her drawer, memories of her
childhood flooded through her. Her parents have always told her what to do. Marrying Evan was
the only time she listened to her own heart. She pulled out the photo album of her and Evan, as
she flipped through them, she pictured her unborn baby in each photo.
Early in the morning, Angela was called down to eat breakfast. Angela grew suspicious
since her parents never called her down to eat breakfast this early in the morning. Telling herself
she was thinking too much, she went in the dining room. Arranged on the table was a freshly
made sandwich and a cup of milk. Seeing Angela, her mother started urging her to eat. Come
eat, we just made this. Its still hot.
Its too early in the morning. Angela complained. I dont feel like eating.
You are pregnant, you need to take care of yourself. Eat. Now, commanded her mother.
Giving in, Angela ate the sandwich and drank the milk.

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Half and hour later, Angela began to have painful cramps. She started to feel nauseous.
As she went to tell her mother about the pain, she saw blood running down her pants. Her vision
became hazy, and her knees gave out. The darkness was pulling her in, she tried to fight it but it
was too strong. She gave in.
Angela awoke with a start. All she remembered was the blood coming down her pants.
Snapping back into reality, she realized that she was in a hospital. An obstetrician came in the
room with her parents. Looking at their faces, she realized what had happened. Hatred filled her
as she remembered the breakfast she had. There was something in the sandwich. Tears rolled
down her face. This time there was no joy. She put her hand over her belly. There was no

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