Typesofgovernmentassignment Notes1 2

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Notes 1.

Examine this website: Link, other websites, and my PowerPoint (Notes 1.1)
Every government has its positive and negative attributes. Examining the different components and types of
Government and define them and list 1 positive and one negative attribute for each.
This does not appear on your rubric for the website portfolio, but I would like you to include it. You will have to
know several types of governments for the tests at the end of the semester.





An economic and political

system in which a
countrys trade and
industry are controlled by
private owners for profit
rather than by the state

Its good because, the

individual who owns the
business, controls the

It isnt good because the

individual may not know
what to do with the


a political and economic

theory of social
organization that
advocates that the
means of production,
distribution, and
exchange should be
owned or regulated by
the community as a


a political theory derived

from Karl Marx,
advocating class war and
leading to a society in
which all property is
publicly owned and each
person works and is paid
according to their abilities
and needs.

No one is being paid

more than they should be
and no one is being paid
less than they should be

Its not fair because,

someone could be
making a lot more than
the next person for doing
the same job


Direct democracy (also

known as pure
democracy) is a form
of democracy in which
people decide (e.g.
vote on, form
consensus on) policy
initiatives directly.

This is good if you are

part of the Democratic

This isnt good if youre

not a democrat

democracy (also
indirect democracy or

This would be good if

youre a republican and
agree with the same

This isnt good if youre

not a republican and
dont agree with their

Direct Democracy

Republic (Representative

psephocracy) is a
variety of democracy
founded on the
principle of elected
officials representing a
group of people, as
opposed to direct

things your party agrees




a state of disorder due to

absence or
nonrecognition of

Dont see the good in


If there was no athority

there would be murders,
robberies etc.


a system of government
in which priests rule in
the name of God or a

If you practice that

religion and the
government is that
religion than that just kind
of works out in your favor

If you arent a part of a

religion or dont believe in
God then there would
probably be a lot of


a small group of people

having control of a
country, organization, or

This is good because you

have a group of people
controlling a country
instead of just one
person and instead of
thousands of people

This isnt good if you

dont agree with what the
group of people intend to


government by a dictator.
Dictator- a ruler with total
power over a country,
typically one who has
obtained power by force.

I dont really see a

positive in this

To give one person total

and complete control
over a country doesnt
seem like it would work
out all that well.



A monarch is the
sovereign head of state
in a monarchy. A
monarch may exercise
the most and highest
authority in the state or
others may wield that
power on behalf of the

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