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Dominique Capurro

Period 4
August 20, 2015
Chonas Summer Blog
My 2015 summer was fun and also
boring at times. Throughout this
summer I have spent times with my
friends; went to the movies, laser

tagging, out to eat, hiking, and

swimming. Also, when the warriors


the championship, I went to the

Warriors parade with family .When

wasnt with my friends I was

babysitting my two nephews and niece Tuesday through Friday. My summer
was filled with parties, late nights out with friends and family, game nights.
Overall it was a chill, yet exciting summer, nothing spectacular.
The Warriors parade was a very exciting and crowded place and event.
It was all worth the drive, and being in the crowds due to them winning the
Championship. Watching them all season and see them doing great, holding
the best records and just keep getting better and better made it even better
to see them win. First, Stephen Curry won MVP, and then led the team to the

Championship. My cousin is also a dancer for the Warriors so she got to be in

the parade and it was cool knowing she was in the parade
with them.
Although I did many things, I
wish I did more before I started
my senior year. During the
summer it was my nephews
birthday and the most
embarrassing thing
happened to me. It got dark
and we all were outside dancing and hanging out. I
got up to do a dance and when I did it, I sprained my
ankle and tore two ligaments. My family laughed so
hard before helping me.

This summer we threw my sister a bridal shower, because she is

getting married this September. As a bridesmaid, a lot of the things were in
my hands to make sure everything was perfect for her and she had a nice
day. We had her bridal shower at a hall and we had a photo booth area, a
mimosa bar, games, and a table for people to leave little cute messages to
my sister. Everything went well for my sister, she was glad how everything

was set up for her and my family and her fiancs family is big so a lot of
people showed up, it was very nice.
Babysitting my niece and nephews this summer made
me realize I didnt want to have kids. It took time away from
my freedom, but also made our relationship better. I would
take them to the parks, and also go swimming. Taking care of
three kids is a lot of work. Babysitting becomes your job when
youre an aunt.

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