Villalobos Alan Africa World Geo Wrap-Up

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Africa World Geo

Alan Villalobos

Pull Factors
Trade Routes- Trade Routes went throughout the top part of Africa, people
went into Africa and even people in Africa were moving to other cities. Africa
traded good stuff like gold, salt, beads, ivory, frankincense, myrrh, slaves, iron
products, animal products, and copper from different types of Empires in
Africa. In Africa there were 5 empires, Axum, Mali, Songhai, Zimbabwe, and
Ghana. Ghana was a rich and big empire, Ghana was a key part of the TransSaharan Trade Route. They played a big part Africa.

Push Factors
Sahara Desert- One possible push factor from Africa would have to be the
Sahara Desert. The Sahara Desert is so hot and is placed on the North of
Africa. The Trans-Saharan Trade Routes were placed in the Sahara Desert, the
desert is still located in Africa, Africans and Muslims still travel through the
Sahara Desert, that's how they get to places, unless they use airplanes. They
travel on camels, the camels can't die since they store water in their humps
and they could carry the travelers stuff. The Sahara Desert is a dangerous
place and if someone that has no experience with it, have a really high chance
of not surviving out there by their own.

There are famous stuff and achievements of Africa, one of them is their
economy, south Africas economy was ranked 25th in the world in 2009 with
an economy of $488,600 million they even hosted the 2010 FIFA soccer
games. Speaking of money, Ghana was a really rich empire, this empire lasted
for about 800 years, until Mali came along. Ghana acted as guards for the
traders from the north and south. Ghana was a great military power, they had
an army of 200,000 people.

Arabia- I would connect this to Arabia because Arabia has a desert too like
Africa with the Sahara Desert, and Arabia, its Saudi Arabia. I will say that
Arabia is connected to Africa because they both travel through the desert and
make shelter there and they both seem to be rich kind of because Arabia has
the Kaaba which is a really huge place that I can connect to church because
that's where they pray and practice Islam. They are both connected for some
reasons, they are connected to each other, and they traded with each other.
They kind of have the same life-style of standing the heat, and how they were
back then with the kings and royals.

World Connection
The 13 Colonies- I would connecting Africa with the 13 colonies, more like
ancient Africa. The empires that were in Africa would remind me of the 13
colonies because they were both back in the days. People traveled there, sold,
and traded their in both the empires and the colonies. People from England
found and owned the 13 colonies. They traveled there to sell goods that were
found and produced in East Africa. The 13 colonies would be basically the
American version of the empires of Africa. The Only difference is that the
empires didnt last long but the 13 colonies stand as part of the 50 states.

Africa Geography
The geographies in Africa are, the Sahara Desert, Savanna, Rainforest, and
Mediterranean Coast. They all have their own important stuff such as the
animals, land, size, heat, weather, and food. The ones that were interesting to
me were the Sahara Desert which is really hot as well the sand , and the
African Savanna where the animals are and the king is the lion. The Savanna is
full of wild animals and there is gold along the rivers and the weather can be
brutal. In the Rainforest, it is of course rainy and full of trees and greens and
gorillas live there.

African Savanna
Climate- In the Savanna, the weather can be very brutal there are 2 seasons
which is the rainy season and the dry season, in the rainy season goes
through December to April while the dry season comes after that through
May to December. In the rainy season it rains and pours since it is called the
rainy season, it rains about 15-30 inches during the season. The dry season is
very dry like the Sahara Desert. It rains no more than than 4 inches
throughout that season. The climate can be brutal when the storms come, the
storm that occurs the most is the lightning storm which ones it strikes and
hits the grass, it starts to ignite the grass.

Sahara Desert
The Sahara Desert is a huge desert that is located in the north of Africa. It is so
hot that the sand is as hot too. The Sahara can be very dangerous at times if
you dont have any experience on living out there. You can easily get a heat
stroke so it is important to make a headdress which covers you from the sun.
There are a ton of poisonous animals and plants, so you have to be careful on
what you face and eat. The Sahara Desert can daily be 86-116 F, the hottest
the desert has ever been was 136 degrees F. Camels are often used as
transportation because they can survive in the Sahara and they are a good
source of keeping your resources. There are oasis that have water and trees,
palm trees. You have to be very hydrated and have food and heat cover to

Learn From Your Mistakes- The Empires were a start, it wasnt really a mistake
but the mistake was that it didnt last long like the Roman Empire. The
Empires got them going and was a starter base, people lived in there and they
traded many goods and discovered areas to get goods like gold and salt. They
found out about the land and geography and kept moving on because they
now could get to another place that is not in Africa. They definitely learned a
lot and used their knowledge about what they have learned to keep moving
on and not giving up to keep building on and making more progress to make
Africa, Africa. Just how every country and place pretty much learned and kept
moving on from failing cities, empires, etc.

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