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Thay Vu
Thay Chu Hoai Nam
Thay Vu:
Thay Nam: (832) 997 - 7776
Class Website
Our Lady of LaVang Parish
Catechesis Program
Director of Religious Edu.
Co Dinh Le Thu Nguyet

8_ Catechesis Syllabus
Course Overview
This year, students will make necessary preparations to begin their
formation for the Confirmation program. These preparations
include the knowledgeable training of the students to understand
and practice the Faith. Students will immerse themselves in the
history, theology, philosophy, and apologetics of the Catholic
Required Text
a. NASBRE Bible (Have access to one at home or
b. Textbook (Bring to class each week)
Course Materials
To insure your individual success in this class, students will be
responsible for bringing each of these items to every class.


Loose leaf paper

Writing utensil(s)

Students will be required to take notes, ask questions, and engage
in intellectual discussion. This is participation and will account for
a sufficient part of the grade for each semester.
Attendance in class is important to the students success, therefore excessive attendances will reflect
in the gradebook.
Tardiness shall also not be tolerated. If the student is not in their seat 5 minutes after the bell, they will
be marked tardy. Excessive tardies shall also reflect in the gradebook.
Students will be treated like young adults, so act like one! Respect the instructors, and we will respect
you, but most of all respect each other.

Fall and Spring 2015 - 2016

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Grading Policy


10; 10%
20; 20%

40; 40%


30; 30%

Final Average


Semester 1
Semester 2
Final Exam


All assignments are due by the time class starts. No exceptions. Late Assignments will incur a
deduction of 11 points per day.
Missed exams and quizzes will be made up online through the ThinkWave program, and will be
sufficiently more difficult for the student i.e. all essay.
Homework is an important aspect to gauge the understanding and reinforce the information presented.
Homework will count for a major part of your grade, if a student chooses not to do it, the consequence
will be failure. All homework assignments will be turned in online through the ThinkWave software,
do not turn in a hard copy or email.

Fall and Spring 2015 - 2016

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Each Quiz and Exam will have an accompanying study guide. It is up to the students to complete and
turn in the study guide for corrections, this study guide will be of great help to their success. Passing
the assignment without the study guide is difficult, therefore it is in the students interests to complete
and check the guide. As an incentive, those students who complete their study guides will be given 5
bonus points on their assignment.
ThinkWave is an online program that incorporates technology into the classroom. We will be using
this program as a way to supplement, communicate, share reports, complete and turn in assignments,
make up missed assignments, and a way for students and their parents to keep track of their progress
in the school year.
Also, our class maintains a website with class notes, lectures, PowerPoint media, study guides, and
your quizzes and exams that need to be made up. Use this website as a reference and tool to
supplement your learning.

Students Full Name: _____________________________________________________________

Email: _________________________________________ Cell Phone: ______________________
Fall and Spring 2015 - 2016

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I, _____________________, have read and agree to abide by all statements found within this syllabus.
Student Signature: _____________________________________ Date: ________________

Fathers Name: _____________________________ Cell Phone: ________________

Mothers Name: ____________________________ Cell Phone: _________________

We, __________________ and ____________________ have read and agree to abide by all statements
found within this syllabus.
Fathers Signature: _______________________________ Date: ___________________
Mothers Signature: _______________________________ Date: __________________

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