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Jasmine Lopez

Unit 4
1. You point the domain name at your person area on a site such as Myspace
etc. by First, make sure you know the web address of the site that you want
to point, or redirect your domain name to click the add button, wait a few
seconds for your server to update itself, and the job is done.
2. The two types of FTP files are namely clients and servers.
3. Amaya is a free HTML program
4. FileZilla is a FTP client.
5. The three things you should do before creating a site are 1. The reminder of
this chapter 2.The chapter about CSS which starts on page 59. 3. The
introduction to Content Management Systems which starts on page 118.
6. The 3 things you should have clear in your mind before creating a site are 1.
What type of site youre creating. 2. Why youre creating the site. 3. Who the
site is for.
7. The best way to plan your layout is with pen and paper, or a whiteboard.
8. There is no need to create mockups are proper HTML page. Use a graphic
editor such as Windows Paint, or a spreadsheet.
9. The format you can use that every web browser can be guaranteed to read is

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