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New Patents

ASNTs Recommended Practice

No. SNT-TC-1A Incorporates ACCP
SNT Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-1A: Qualification and
Certification of Nondestructive Personnel, published in 1968,
was the first document with significant impact on qualifications of NDT personnel in industry. This document is still widely
used by many employers worldwide. SNT-TC-1A provides a guideline for employers to develop a written practice for qualification and
certification of their NDT personnel. ASNT has recently amended
SNT-TC-1A by specifying an alternative process by which employers may qualify NDT personnel. The additional paragraphs have
been added to clarify the intent of SNT-TC-1A in allowing the credentials obtained by passing the examinations of the ASNT Central
Certification Program (ACCP) to fulfill the corresponding examination criteria required by SNT-TC-1A for Levels I, II, and III in the applicable NDT methods. As shown below, the changes to the 1996 edition of SNT-TC-1A also will apply to all previous editions of
SNT-TC-1A, and they will be incorporated in the new 2000 edition of
this document. By changing the related statements in their written

practice, employers may accept portions of the new ACCP as well as

ACCP in its entirety.
NDT Level III Examinations
A valid endorsement of an ACCP Professional Level III certificate fulfills this examination criteria described in paragraphs 8.8 (1)
and 8.8 (2) for each applicable NDT method.
Previously changes to SNT-TC-1A recognized the ASNT NDT
Level III certificate as meeting general qualification requirements to
the extent specified in an employers written practice. The new
amendments provide employers with additional choices and
greater flexibility so they can tailor the certification criteria to their
exact needs.
These additional paragraphs clarify SNT-TC-1As intent to
allow employers to acknowledge candidates that have taken specific portions of either the ASNT NDT Level III or ACCP examinations that meet the employers revised written practice.




Additional Written, Specific, and Practical Examination Criteria

8.7.1 Level I, II, and III Written Examinations.
(1) All Level I, II, and III written examinations should be closed book except that necessary data, such as graphs, tables, specifications, procedures, codes, etc., may be provided with or in the examination. Questions utilizing such reference materials should require an
understanding of the information rather than merely locating the appropriate answer. All questions used for Level I and Level II examinations should be approved by the responsible Level III.
(2) A valid endorsement on an ACCP Level I or Level II certificate fulfills
the corresponding examination criteria described in paragraphs 8.3
and 8.5 for each applicable NDT method.
(3) The employer may delete the specific examination (paragraph 8.4) if
the candidate has a valid ACCP certificate, provided the examinations
administered meet the technical needs of the employer.
8.7.2 Level I and II Specific Examinations
The employer may delete the specific examination if the candidate has a
valid ACCP Level I or Level II certificate in the method and if documented experience exists to permit such.
8.7.3 Practical Examinations
Successful completion of ACCP Level I or Level II General Hands-On
Practical examinations may be considered as fulfilling the requirements of
paragraphs 8.3 and 8.5 respectively.


NDT Level III Examinations

(5) A valid endorsement of an ACCP Professional Level III certificate fulfills this examination criteria described in paragraphs 8.8 (1) and 8.8 (2)
for each applicable NDT method.

Materials Evaluation/October 1998

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