The Word of God Is A Mirror

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The Word 05 God James 1:25 but the man who looks intent- | 1s A WMivwr. Ly into the perfect law that gives freedom ;and continues to do this, not forgetting Pericoae eae MLS} what he heard, but doing it. He will be blessed in what he does. The Spirit of God through James gives us a wonderful picture of the Word of God. He presents to us the Word of God as a mirror. He desires to give us a wonderful picture about the Word of God that if received; can’t leave us on the same level. One thing about mirrors is that they are reflectors. They always reflect back the image of the object placed before them. That is the reason why when you look at yourself in a mirror, you don't see me but yourself. Now let’s come back to the Word of God as a mirror! Can you see it now? If the Word of God is a mirror, who is the object it reflects? That can only be the one who is looking in it! It means you are the object that the Word is reflecting. 2Co 3:18 “But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.” The question is; “Who is the glory of God according to the scripture we have read?” The one beholding is the glory because mirrors are reflector. Hallelujah. Now that you have known what the Word is; choose to see yourself as the one the Word is talking about and reflecting. By doing that, you position yourself to becoming and man- ifesting all that the Word speaks about you. Let it be your daily practice. Choose not to go out of the house before you see how you are designed - look - for the day. People look into mirrors to see how they look like; choose to look into that perfect law of liberty daily. PRAYER Heavenly father thank you for teaching and giving me a new consciousness about the Wor. 1 am what the Wort of God says 1 am, 1 have what it says 7 have and 1 can do what it says car do. Hallelujah! EXTRACT FROM: Light for Champions Daily Devotion, Greater glory. Fi wwwé © 4256 701-021-855/701-043-736/701-141-534 © Nansana Yesu Amala same building that houses Divine Supermarket “ Christ Alone, Christ Alive, Christ in You, Christ Glorified "

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