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The process of interpreting and grasping the Bible is

similar to embarking on a journey that consists in a
series of steps.

The journey begins in the world of the Bible and the

original audience of the passage being studied and
ends in our world and our life as we apply the

Step 1: Grasping the Text in Their Town

Question: What did the text mean to the biblical


Read carefully and observe to see as much as

possible in the text. Try to summarise what the
passage meant to the original audience in one or two sentences.

Step 2: Measuring the Width of the River to Cross

Question: What are the differences between the biblical audience and us?

Some of the differences to consider will be: time, language, culture, situation and whether in the Old Testament
(covenant) or New Testament (covenant). Look at this stage to find rather than minimize differences.

Remember for some passages, the river will be wider than for others.

Step 3: Crossing the Principlizing Bridge

Question: What is the theological principle in this text?

This is most difficult step. Find the theological principle or principles in the text. These principles should be
generated from the text and not be brought to the text by us. What is the message of the passage that comes across
the river of time, culture, situation etc?

Hint: The principle will be related to the meaning found in Step 1. In what ways are we the same as the original

The principle should be: reflected in the text

not tied to the specific situtation
not culturally bound
in line with the rest of Scripture
relevant to the original and present-day audience

Step 4: Grasping the Text in Our Town

Question: How should individual Christians today apply the theological principle in their lives?

This step is about exploring how the principle(s) we have identified apply to the church and our lives today.

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