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Vocabulary Quiz!

Choose the correct word and put it in the right form

Dilapidate, superficial, convent, evict, meticulous, circuitous, limp, deprive, condemn,
convert, dead weight, contingency, distort, impose, fruitless, distillery, adversary, austerity,
ascend, expel, out of hand, consolidate, incoherent
The situation is uncontrollable. It is completely ______________.
I hate the press. They always__________ the truth and present false news to the public.
Jesus _______________to heavens 3 days after the resurrection.
He was ____________ from college because he was caught smoking.
The special agent took a _________ route to return in order to stay unnoticed.
His speech was so ________________. I didnt understand a word.
Scotland is famous for its very old whiskey _______________.
Unfortunately, the squat was _________ by the owner of the building.
Our search for extra-terrestrial life was ___________________.
She is always so ___________ in the choice of her words. I admire her way of speaking.
Her family is so conservative. They were so ashamed of her that they forced her to go enter
the ________________ of the Sacred Heart.
They let the house _____________ after so many years.
My father was _____________ to Islam, and started reading the Koran.
That year everyone was __________ from their civil rights due to the state of emergency.
The government is going to _______________ new taxes this year.
He is such a powerful and mighty _____________. You have to be very careful.
Luckily his wounds were all ______________ and he was not harmed.
She is such a ______________________, I am so tired of taking care of her all the time.
We must be prepared for all _____________________ .
Many analysts argue that Germanys ___________ policy is actually harming the Eurozone.
He was ______________ to 5 years in prison for child abuse.
Many years have passed since his leg injury and he is still ____________.
Due to the financial crisis the 2 companies were forced to ______________.

And some English proverbs.

Fortune favors the bold. | Too many cooks spoil the broth | One mans trash is another
mans treasure| Better late than never | If it aint broke, dont fix it |Keep your friends
close and your enemies closer

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