Reflection Essay1

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At the beginning of the year before I entered Dual Enrollment English 111, I was terrified

that I would not succeed and I was setting myself up for failure. Then once I entered the
classroom a flow of inspiration jumped into my heart and gave me a purpose to believe in
myself. It was at that moment I remembered a quote by Rudy Francisco, a poet, who said:
"Failure is when you talk yourself out of becoming something amazing." Meaning you can be
successful if you believe in yourself and put in the work. Before I entered this class some of my
weaknesses were writing process and mechanical conventions. My weaknesses are shown within
my Pre-Assessment Essay and my research essay.
My motif for this portfolio is music.Writing allows an individual to express his/herself
whether it's by telling a story, informing, persuading, or by being humorous. Which is the same
thing music does for an artist; it allows an artist to express themselves by painting an image or
telling their stories through lyrics. A musical artist is not just a person who writes music but is
also a writer who tell stories and persuade others with inspiration or with videos. When people
listen to music it helps them make a connection with an artist. Reading a book is the same way,
when someone is interested in a book it is based on its genre or if the person can make a
connection with the book or not. The music as a whole is like a huge audio fairy tale book
allowing an artist to be creative because they can give a reflection of their own life or even a
reflection of someone else's. Within my Parents essay, I showed a reflection of my life and the
life of others based on experiences. My strengths were also shown in my essay Views Of Change.
In these essays, I improved with the usage of commas and clarity. Suggestion for changes in the
Parents and Views Of Change essays were given by my teacher and classmates. The suggestions
about my commas for the rough drafts were used to improve the essay. In these essays, I began to
develop a writing process by me creating a rough draft and allowing my peers to make correction
Even though at the beginning of the year I doubted myself I put in the hard work to
improve. There's still room for improvement in other areas, but I am very proud of myself for
having the confidence to change some of my most common errors. My progress has been made
possible by the assistance of my classmates and teacher Mrs.Manugo. I plan to continue
challenging myself by advancing to Dual Enrollment English 112.

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