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44-560 Adv Topics in DB Systems

Assignment 01 (Relationships)
Use Visio (or other ER diagramming tool) to create a model for the
following scenario. You must turn the assignment in electronically in a
universally readable format (.jpg, .png, vsd, etc.).
Scenario: A law firm has asked you to design a database that will keep track of their cases,
clients and attorneys.
Entities and attributes:
Attorneys: The attorney is the backbone on a law firm. For each attorney, store the employee ID,
last name, first name, salary, status (active or inactive), office number(s), and parking space
Clients: Clients pay for legal services. For all clients, store the client ID, the client name, hourly
service rate, number of hours charged and cases in which the client is involved.
Cases: Cases are how the law firm makes money. Every case is an event for which a client needs
services. For all cases store a case number, description, trial state (one state in the United States
where laws apply) and status (active or inactive).
Offices: Attorneys are assigned offices. Store the office number and location.
Parking spaces: Attorneys are assigned parking spaces. Store the space number and location.
Attorneys can work on any number (including zero) of cases. When attorneys are assigned
cases, store the date the attorney began working on the case. A case can consist of any number of
clients, but must have at least on client. A case can also involve many attorneys, but must at least
involve one. A client may or may not have any cases, but may have several.
Attorneys will always be given at least one office and offices will never be shared, but might not
be assigned.
Attorneys might be assigned to a parking space or many (but might be assigned none), and
parking spaces are never shared, but might not be assigned.
Show associative entities where applicable.

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Assignment 01 key

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