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Secondary Sources:

CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA:. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Dec. 2015.

Galileo had many important events throughout the course of his life
that impacted him tremendously. This secondary source helped us
because it taught us what had an impacted Galileo so much and what
was important that occurred in his life. The information in this source
relates to the theme because it is about what Galileo encountered and
explored throughout his life.

Cuadrado, Sara. Galileo. Madrid: Edimat Libros, 2002. Print.

Galileos invention of the telescope had a very big impact in history as

people began to believe and discover the moons of Jupiter and more
space wonders. Tis secondary source helped our project by providing a
basic timeline, which was expressed as a biography showing all of
Galileos inventions as well as his impact on history, like mentioned.
The information from this book relates to the theme, because it shows
Galileos exchange of ideas in the world after his creation of the
telescope, which allowed people to see objects in space.

Galileo and the Telescope Finding Our Place in the Cosmos: From
Galileo to Sagan and Beyond. The Library of Congress. N.p.,n.d.
Web.14 Dec. 2015.

Galileo invented the telescope which played an important role of

discovering the cosmos. Using the telescope, Galileo discovered that
Jupiter had its own moons, the moon was not a perfect sphere, and
that there were sunspots on the rotating sun. This secondary source
helped our project by giving background knowledge about how Galileo
implemented his invention into life. The information from this source
relates to the theme because it explains how Galileo explored though
the telescope, encountered new features in space and exchanged his

Galileo and the Telescope. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Dec. 2015.

Galileo Galilei made several key discoveries through his crude

refracting telescope. This secondary source helped give us information

on the things Galileo used and what he discovered. The information in

this source relates to the theme because it shows the exploration and
encounters of Galileo.

Galileo Galilei. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Dec. 2015.

Galileo Galilei found out the geocentric theory was not correct but that
the heliocentric theory was correct and he made many findings about
the universe and what it contains inside of it. This secondary source is
important to our project and helped us because it was about what
Galileo researched and studied as well as the trading of ideas between
him and the creators of the geocentric and heliocentric theory. This
information in the source relates to the theme because it informs us
about the exchange of ideas and theories between Galileo and other

Galileo - Kepler Correspondence. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Dec. 2015.

This source is an excerpt of a letter from Galileo to Kepler and from

Kepler back to Galileo about Copernicuss theory also known as the
heliocentric theory. This secondary source helped us with knowing

Galileos thoughts about the heliocentric theory. The information in

this source relates to the theme because it shows the exchange of
ideas between Galileo, Kepler, and Copernican.

"Geocentric Theory." - Earth, Planets, Sun, and Celestial. N.p., n.d. Web.
23 Jan. 2016.

The geocentric theory is the theory in which all the planets revolve
around the Earth. The heliocentric theory is the theory in which all the
planets revolve around the Sun. This secondary source taught us some
background information about the two theories. The information in this
source relates to the theme because it shows the theories that Galileo

"Heliocentric System | Astronomy." Encyclopedia Britannica Online.

Encyclopedia Britannica. Web. 23 Jan. 2016.

The heliocentric theory explains how the planets, including earth,

revolves around the Sun. This secondary source informed us about the
heliocentric theory and how Galileo was involved in the acceptance of
the theory. The information in this source relates to the theme because

it is about one of the theories that Galileo explored to better

understand the astronomical physics of the heliocentric theory.

NASA. NASA, 05 Mar. 2009. Web. 13 Dec. 2015.

Galileo Galilei explored and discovered many things that are in our
universe. This secondary source helped us with the findings of Galileo
and other things about him. The information in this source relates to
the theme because it is about Galileos explorations, encounters, and

Redd, Nola Taylor. "Galileo Galilei: Biography, Inventions & Other

Facts." N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Dec. 2015.

Biography about Galileo and the inventions he did as well as he gained

his interest for mathematics and science. This secondary source
helped us by explaining a lot about Galileo. The information in this
source relates to the theme because it shows Galileo explored many
new things and encountered different people, theories, and ideas and
exchanged his knowledge with others.

"Retrograde Motion." - Planets, Earth, Direction, and Sun. N.p., n.d.

Web. 23 Jan. 2016.

Retrograde motion is the means "moving backward," and describes the

loop or Z-shaped path that planets farther from the Sun than Earth
appear to trace in the sky over the course of a few months. This
secondary source gave us the definition of retrograde motion. The
information in this source relates to the theme because it explains the
definition of the motion taken by the planets in the geocentric theory
that Galileo explored, encountered, and exchanged ideas about.

Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media RSS. N.p., n.d. Web.
13 Dec. 2015.

Galileo Galilei confirmed many of Nicholas Copernicuss theories and

observations but he lacked evidence for many yet he still published a
book on his findings which got him put on a trial because the
observations and theories opposed that the Earth was fixed in the
heavens and all other heavenly bodies revolved around it. This
secondary source helped us with gaining knowledge on the trial of
Galileo and why he was put on a trial. The information in this source

relates to the theme because it shows how the exchange of ideas put
him on a trial.

Solar System Exploration. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Dec. 2015.

Galileo Galilei used a telescope and discovered Jupiters moons. This

secondary source helped give us information about Galileo and what
he encountered and discovered. The information in this source relates
to the theme because it shows what Galileo encountered throughout
the course of his life.

Stanford Solar Center. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Dec. 2015.

Galileo Galilei was an Italian astronomer, physicist, mathematician,

inventor, and philosopher who built his own telescope to discover
things about the universe and built the first working thermometer. This
secondary source helped our project by supplying us with a biography
about Galileo and some background information about him. The
information in this source relates to the theme because it describes
Galileo and his inventions as well as his explorations.

"The Fall of the Geocentric Theory." The Fall of the Geocentric Theory.
N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Jan. 2016.

The geocentric theory evolved into the heliocentric theory which was
created by Nicholas Copernicus. This secondary source taught us how
the geocentric theory eventually failed and formed the heliocentric
theory. The information in this source relates to the theme because it
explains what happens to the theory that Galileo was exchanging ideas

The Galileo Project Science Pendulum Clock. The Galileo Project

Science Pendulum Clock. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Dec. 2015.

Galileo created the pendulum clock and discovered that the period of
the swing of the pendulum is independent of its amplitude. This
secondary source helped with our project by explaining one of his most
common discoveries, which was the pendulum. It described how he
created the pendulum and the physics behind it in order to work. This
source relates to the theme because it explains something that Galileo
explored into and encountered after utilizing the laws pf physics he
knew about.

The Galileo Project Science. The Galileo Project Science. N.p., n.d.
Web. 14 Dec. 2015.

Along with discovering and proving new theories such as the Ptolemaic
system, the Copernican system, the heliocentric theory and more,
Galileo also created many different inventions and gathered
observations, for example, sunspots. This secondary source helped our
project by listing and providing examples of the different achievements
of Galileo, such as the theories he discovered, and some inventions.
The details in this source relate to the theme because they talk about
the different theories that Galileo explored, such as the Ptolemaic
system, the observations he encountered, such as the characteristics
of tides, and the ideas and inventions he exchanged.

The Trial of Galileo: A Chronology. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Dec. 2015.

Galileo was put on trial and he lived from 1564-1641. He discovered

many new things including sunspots. This secondary source gave us
some background information about Galileo, his trial, and his life. The
timeline helped us better understand the chronology of events that

occurred in his life. This source relates to the theme because it

explains the different areas of space science that Galileo explored and
discovered, which helped him create theories.

"Trial of Galileo Galilei." Trial of Galileo Galilei. Web. 23 Jan. 2016.

Galileo was put on trial because of his support of the heliocentric theory. This secondary
source gave us information on the trial of Galileo and provided us with pictures and
letters that Galileo had sent and received. The information in this source relates to the
theme because it informed us about the heliocentric theory which was one of the theories
that Galileo explored, encountered, and exchanged ideas about.

"Galileo." Galileo. Web. 13 Dec. 2015.

Galileo Galilei discovered Jupiters moons, Venuss phases, and spots

on the sun and on the moon. This secondary source helped give us
information on the findings Galileo made through his telescope. The
information in this source relates to the theme because it shows how
Galileo explored through the telescope and what he encountered.

Primary Sources:

Jupiter and Her Moons: One Planets Quest to Defy Aristotle. Galileo
and Jupiters Satellites. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Dec. 2015

Other than the observations that Galileo made about the moon, he also
studied Jupiters moons. Galileo recorded observations about these
satellites overnight and he studied the movement and disappearances.
This primary resource helped us and our project by showing an in
depth illustration and explanation of the different observations that
were made by Galileo when he used a telescope. This diagram relates
to the theme because it shows the different actions, which were
recorded, of Jupiters moons that Galileo encountered.

Lin, Yoming S. Galileo and the Telescope. New York: Powerkids, 2012.

Galileo invented the telescope which helped people see faraway

objects. Most people thought that the Earth was the center of the
universe, however, he proved that Earth and other planets actually
revolve around the sun. Although this is a biography, it still has a
primary source which was a picture of the solar system from Galileos
book Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems. This
diagram helped us understand Galileos view on the solar system. Its

expressed his thoughts about the solar system which was helpful for
our project, since it explained all of his thoughts. This picture relates to
the theme because it shows Galileos exchange in his theoretical ideas
and views.

[Moon as solid body with Irregular Surface Features in First Telescopic

Drawings of Moon to Be Published]. The Library of Congress. N.p., n.d.
Web. 14 Dec. 2015.

Galileo observed the moon as part of his observations using the

telescope. He studied the phases of the moon and recorded its
characteristics. This primary source helped us with our project by
showing a first-hand account of a picture of Galileos detailed sketches
of the phases of the moon. This primary source relates to the theme by
physically showing the ideas and new discoveries that Galileo was
encountering as he studied the moon.

Ptolemy. Ptolemy. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Dec. 2015.

The Ptolemaic model displays Ptolemys thoughts about the geocentric

theory, which helped Galileo to further research and prove this theory
wrong. This primary source helped us to realize the difference between

the heliocentric and geocentric theory. This source relates to the theme
by showing how Galileo explored the different theories to arrive at a

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