Stem Classroom Feedback Rubric Draft

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Georgia Department of Education

Georgia Department of Education

STEM Classroom Feedback Rubric

The student uses 21st century technology tools of the STEM industry.
Not Evident Emerging Proficient Exemplary
21st century skills are 21st century skills use is 21st century skills use is All students and teachers in
either absent or used present in limited scope, relatively expansive science, math, and STEM
mechanically to but is either used in a throughout science, designated CTAE classrooms
reinforce students’ small number of classes math, and STEM collaboratively use 21st century
acquisition of basic or as tools for lower level designated CTAE tools (technical tools related to
skills. thinking. classrooms, with much the content, designing,
There is little evidence There is only isolated emphasis given to constructing, inventing,
of student-teacher evidence of its use for supporting students’ programming, filming, animating,
collaboration to use collaboration and to achievement of blogging, wiki-ing, re-mixing,
technology to enhance support/reinforce standards. publishing, videocasting,
standards mastery or achievement of standards There is general podcasting, collaborating,
higher-order thinking. mastery and use of evidence of teachers’ networking, mashing, reverse
Most thinking is at the opportunities for 21st exploring the use of a engineering, media clipping,
lower end of thinking century skills application variety of 21st century integrating, broadcasting,
taxonomy (listing, relating to STEM skills and tools to engineering) to reinforce
describing, identifying, industries. reinforce higher-order achievement of standards
naming, retrieving, reasoning, mastery; to support students’
bookmarking, googling, differentiation and use conceptual understanding and
social networking, of opportunities for 21st independent application of core
categorizing, loading, century skills content; and to differentiate the
playing, sharing, application relating to teaching-learning process to
tagging, commenting). STEM industries. accommodate students.
There is visible evidence of
student-teacher collaboration to
use technology to enhance
standards mastery or higher-order
thinking. There is a pervasive use
of 21st century tools applications
relating to STEM industries.
Students used a variety of means
to represent phenomena and are
involved in the communication of
their ideas to others using a
variety of means and media.
Lesson plans reflect assignments where students Students are using 21st century technology tools.
use 21st century technology tools. Students can relate how technology is used in
Products of 21st century technology tool use by industries.
students are available.

Georgia Department of Education

Dr. John Barge, State School Superintendent
January 21, 2012 • Page 2 of 5
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Georgia Department of Education

The student uses 21st century workplace skills.

Not Evident Emerging Proficient Exemplary
Students in science, Students in science, math, Students in science, Students in science, math and
math, and STEM and STEM designated math, and STEM STEM designated CTAE
designated CTAE CTAE classrooms are designated CTAE classrooms are adaptable, use
classrooms show somewhat adaptable but classrooms are complex communication/social
evidence of thinking at communicate in a beginning to cope with skills, can solve non-routine
basic levels, struggle straightforward manner, uncertainty and problems, exhibit self-
with solving routine solve routine problems, changing conditions, management and self-
problems, need external need some express him/herself with development, and recognize the
motivation to work, and management/development complex elements of systems and their
do not see the “big assistance from others, communication/social interdependence.
picture” of classroom and may partially skills, work remotely Students are competent in basic,
assignments. recognize elements of and with internal scientific, economic,
systems and their motivation, and technological, visual,
interdependence. understand how an informational, cultural, and
entire system works. mathematical literacy.
Products usually show They demonstrate
an inventive spirit and inventive/innovative thinking by
are often unique. being adaptable, self-directed,
curious, creative, risk-takers, and
use higher-order thinking and
sound reasoning to produce
unique products.
Students effectively communicate
within a team, manage their
behavior, take personal
responsibility, and use a wide
range of media and technology.
High productivity is the norm as
students prioritize and plan,
master new technologies, and
produce relevant, high-quality
Project products that indicate 21st century thinking Works in a variety of groups and team
skills are exhibited successfully
Students have entered project products into Students pursue and manage projects.
competitions, applied for patents, or some other Effectively communicates results of projects via
means of demonstrating innovation websites, videos, oral presentation, etc.

Georgia Department of Education

Dr. John Barge, State School Superintendent
January 21, 2012 • Page 3 of 5
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Georgia Department of Education

The curriculum is student centered, inquiry-based, highly cognitive, and based upon active learning.
Not Evident Emerging Proficient Exemplary
The class is teacher The class has had several Project/problem based Project/problem based learning,
centered with very little projects/problem-based learning, student student collaboration, and
student assignments but students collaboration, and rigorous and relevant assignments
inquiry/investigation. are not engaged as a rigorous and relevant are the norm.
learning community and assignments are the Students seek and value
many ideas for the class norm. alternative modes of investigation
originate from the Students use inquiry and of problem solving.
teacher. open-ended Mathematics/science is portrayed
Tasks that require high investigations of as a dynamic body of knowledge
cognitive response rarely problems and are usually continually enriched by
occur. asked to justify their conjecture, investigation analysis,
investigative analyses and/or proof/justification.
with consistent data. The class incorporates tasks,
Tasks that require high roles, and interactions consistent
cognitive responses with investigative
occur regularly. mathematics/science and students
Product/investigative are regularly asked to design,
design or improvement create, optimize, or improve
occurs often. products.
The focus and direction of the
class is often determined by ideas
originating with students. They
make predictions, estimations,
and/or hypotheses and devise
means for testing them.
Student exploration often
precedes formal presentation.
The teacher acts as a resource
person, working to support and
enhance student investigations.
Products are often in draft form with numerous Class structure is often “messy” with students
revisions. engaged in a variety of simultaneous tasks.
It is often difficult to find the teacher because
she/he is facilitating student teams/groups.
Students collaborate with peers regarding

Georgia Department of Education

Dr. John Barge, State School Superintendent
January 21, 2012 • Page 4 of 5
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Georgia Department of Education

Classroom is multidisciplinary
Not Evident Emerging Proficient Exemplary
Classroom activities, Classroom activities, labs, Classroom activities, Classroom activities, labs,
labs, projects, and/or projects, and/or labs, projects, and/or projects, and/or investigations
investigations are rarely investigations include investigations include include ELA, math, science,
if ever integrated in ELA, math, science, ELA, math, science, and/or CTAE standards on a
multidisciplinary and/or CTAE standards and/or CTAE standards DAILY basis.
instruction. occasionally. on a REGULAR basis.
Lesson plans reflect daily integration. Students use math, science, and CTAE
standards/language during class.

Connections with STEM industries

Not Evident Emerging Proficient Exemplary
There are no industry Some students have Many students have Students have industry
partners available for industry mentors and a industry mentors/partners that aid them in
students and no few field trips have partners/mentors. projects, innovation, creative
reference to STEM occurred to class related Industry visits occur and pursuits, and internships.
industries. industries. many have internships Work-based learning or frequent
There is an occasional and/or participate in visits to places of work are
reference to STEM work-based learning. common place for all or most
disciplines based upon a Most projects are linked students.
project. to a STEM discipline. Classroom
tasks/activities/projects are linked
to those they would perform in a
STEM discipline.
Documentation of mentor partners is available. Students are engaged in industry/real world
related projects.
Students generate knowledge that results in

Georgia Department of Education

Dr. John Barge, State School Superintendent
January 21, 2012 • Page 5 of 5
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