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Rating Scale: Predisposition to Work

1. Selects appropriate materials and strategies to complete

academic projects and assignments
2. Challenges and supports others to do their best
3. Develops short and long-term personal and professional
goals for himself or herself
4. Recognizes his or her own personal strengths and weaknesses
5. Tries to listen to and respect differing perspectives, ideas, and
6. Successfully uses problem-solving skills in his or her
personal life
7. Stimulates students interests and curiosity for learning
8. Sees value and potential in all individuals
9. Seeks suggestions and constructive criticism from others
10. Is able to work with others from differing backgrounds, cultures
and religious beliefs
11. Is sensitive to students needs and differences
12. Engages in discussions about new ideas in the teaching
13. Pushes self and others to do their best work
14. Takes part in self-improvement courses or programs when
15. Learns from past experiences which helps him/her to
make better decisions in the future
16. Understands that students need to be treated as individuals
in the learning process
17. Is open to adjusting and revising plans to meet
individual needs
18. Upholds the laws and ethical codes governing the educational
19. Treats everyone equally
20. Actively seeks out professional growth opportunities.
21. When making a mistake, will usually reflect back on what
went wrong so that he/she can do better in the future
22. Believes it is important to learn about students, their cultures,
and their communities
23. Uses information and cues from a number of different sources
to identify and solve problems
24. Values both long and short term planning
25. Can interact with individuals on various developmental levels
and communicate with them effectively
26. Plans to stay current with the evolving nature of the
27. Is committed to critical reflection for professional growth
28. Can adapt plans to take advantage of unexpected
opportunities and address unexpected problems
29. Takes the initiative to promote ethical and responsible
professional practice
30. Recognizes that individuals have different learning styles and
abilities but that all can learn
31. Is willing to receive constructive feedback and assessment
on work
32. Can work collaboratively with others to solve problems
33. Believes that individuals of differing levels of academic skills can
be taught in the same environment
34. Can create activities that will address the needs of a diverse




























Rating Scale: Measuring attitude towards Mathematics

1. Mathematics is a very worthwhile and necessary subject.

2. I want to develop my mathematics skills.







3. I get a great deal of satisfaction out of mathematics experiments.

4. Mathematics helps develop the mind and teaches a person to think.
5. Mathematics is important in everyday life.
6. Mathematics is one of the most important subjects for people to study.
7. High school mathematics courses would be very
helpful no matter what I decide to study.
8. I can think of many ways that I use mathematics outside of school.
9. Mathematics is one of my most dreaded subjects.
10. My mind goes blank and I am unable to think
clearly when studying mathematics.
11. Studying mathematics makes me feel nervous.
12. Mathematics makes me feel uncomfortable.
13. I am always under a terrible strain in a mathematics class.
14 . When I hear the word mathematics, I have a feeling of dislike.
15 . It makes me nervous to even think about having to
do a mathematics experiment.
16. Mathematics does not scare me at all.
17 . I have a lot of self-confidence when it comes to mathematics.
18. I am able to do mathematics experiments without too much difficulty.
19. I expect to do fairly well in any mathematics class I take.
20. I am always confused in my mathematics class.
21. I feel a sense of insecurity when attempting mathematics.
22. I learn mathematics easily.
23. I am confident that I could learn advanced mathematics.
24. I have usually enjoyed studying mathematics in school.
25. Mathematics is dull and boring.
26. I like to do new experiments in mathematics.
27. I would prefer to do an experiment in mathematics than to write an essay.
28. I would like to avoid using mathematics in college.
29. I really like mathematics.
30. I am happier in a mathematics class than in any other class.
31Mathematics is a very interesting subject.
32. I am willing to take more than the required amount of mathematics.
33. I plan to take as much mathematics as I can during my education.
34. The challenge of mathematics appeals to me.
35. I think studying advanced mathematics is useful.
36. I believe studying mathematics helps me with problem solving
in other areas.
37. I am comfortable expressing my own ideas on how to look for
Solutions to a difficult mathematics experiment.
38. I am comfortable answering questions in mathematics class.
39. A strong mathematics background could help me in
my professional life.
40. I believe I am good at mathematics experiments.









































A Agree
SA Strongly agree
D Disagree
SD Strongly disagree

Rating Scale: Measuring attitude towards Literary Arts

1. Literary arts is a very worthwhile and necessary subject.

2. I want to develop my skills in art.
















clearly when studying art.

11. Studying art makes me feel nervous.





12. Art makes me feel uncomfortable.





do an art activity.
16. Art does not scare me at all.





17 . I have a lot of self-confidence when it comes to arts.









3. I get a great deal of satisfaction out of art activity.

4. Art helps develop the mind and teaches a person to think.
5. Art is important in everyday life.
6. Art is one of the most important subjects for people to study.
7. High school art courses would be very
helpful no matter what I decide to study.
8. I can think of many ways that I use art outside of school.
9. Art is one of my most dreaded subjects.
10. My mind goes blank and I am unable to think

13. I am always under a terrible strain in art class.

14 . When I hear the word art, I have a feeling of dislike.
15 . It makes me nervous to even think about having to

18. I am able to do art activities without too much difficulty.

19. I expect to do fairly well in any art class I take.
20. I am always confused in my art class.
21. I feel a sense of insecurity when attempting art.
22. I learn art easily.
23. I am confident that I could learn advanced art.
24. I have usually enjoyed studying art in school.
25. Art is dull and boring.
26. I like to do new experiments in art.
27. I would prefer to do an experiment in art than to write an essay.
28. I would like to avoid using art in college.
29. I really like art.
30. I am happier in art class than in any other class.
31. Art is a very interesting subject.
32. I am willing to take more than the required amount of art.
33. I plan to take as much art as I can during my education.
34. The challenge of art appeals to me.
35. I think studying advanced art is useful.
36. I believe studying art helps me with problem solving in other areas.
37. I am comfortable expressing my own ideas by creating a work of art.
38. I believe I am good at literary art.

A Agree
SA Strongly agree
D Disagree
SD Strongly disagree

Rating Scale: Measuring attitude towards Language Studies

1. Language studies are a very worthwhile and necessary subject.

2. I want to develop my skills in language studies.















clearly when studying Language studies.

11. Studying language studies makes me feel nervous.





12. Language studies makes me feel uncomfortable.





Language studies class.

16. Language studies does not scare me at all.





17 . I have a lot of self-confidence when it comes to Language studies.





3. I get a great deal of satisfaction in language studies.

4. Language studies help develop the mind and teach a person to think.
5. Language studies are important in everyday life.
6. Language studies is one of the most important subjects for people to study.
7. High school language studies would be very
helpful no matter what I decide to study.
8. I can think of many ways that I use language studies outside of school.
9. Language studies is one of my most dreaded subjects.
10. My mind goes blank and I am unable to think

13. I am always under a terrible strain in Language studies.

14 . When I hear the word Language studies, I have a feeling of dislike.
15 . It makes me nervous to even think about having to attend

18. I am able to do Language studies activities without too much difficulty.

19. I expect to do fairly well in any Language studies class I take.
20. I am always confused in my Language studies class.
21. I believe I am good at Language studies.
22. I learn Language easily.
23. I am confident that I could learn advanced language.
24. I have usually enjoyed studying language in school.
25. Language studies is dull and boring.
26. I believe studying language helps me to communicate easily.
27. I would prefer to study Language than Science.
29. I really like language studies.
30. I am happier in language class than in any other class.
31. Language studies is a very interesting subject.
32. I am willing to take more than the required amount of language.
33. I plan to take as much language studies as I can during my education.
34. The challenge of language studies appeals to me.
35. I think studying advanced language is useful.

A Agree
SA Strongly agree
D Disagree
SD Strongly disagree

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