Assignment 2

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Continuing Competency: Nutrition and Hydration

Identify competency number, letter, and

Competency: A-8 Nursing Science.

Subcategory: 13 Describe the role of the

LPN in health promotion and disease
Describe ONE significant learning experience

NFDN 1002, Unit 4: Nutrition and

in this course related to the CLPNA

Hydration. Specifically, hypodermoclysis

competency. Provide an example.

(HDC). HDC instills fluid into the

subcutaneous tissue to prevent dehydration.
HDC can also be used for daily injection
medications to prevent skin irritation and
breakdown from numerous separate

Describe what you learned and how it relates

to the competency. Explain why it was

I learned numerous things about HDC:


Indications include inadequate fluid

intake due to the patient being NPO
(nothing by mouth), the patient having
fluid loss, mild dehydration, and if the

patient is in palliative care.

Sites for administration include the
upper chest, abdomen above iliac
crest, the anterior aspect of the thigh,
and supra-scapular. The ideal location
for administration is typically the
upper chest or abdomen.


The solutions used are isotonic for

extra cellular fluid replacement,
hypotonic to cause a fluid shift from
the intravascular space to intracellular,
and hypertonic to cause a fluid shift

from intracellular to extracellular.

The solution type will be ordered by

the doctor.
The flow rate will depend on fluid
requirements and the tissues ability to
absorb fluids.

This information is meaningful to me because

I know from previous lessons that hydration
is the key to homeostasis as it helps transport
medications around the body to specific sites,
as well as flushes toxins through the kidneys
and out the genitourinary system, keeping the
Use the Proficiency Categories to rate your

body in homeostatic balance.

I rate by proficiency in the chosen CLPNA

proficiency in the chosen CLPNA

competency as good because

competency. Explain what was done to

achieve this competency.

I collected research from Potter & Perrys

Canadian Fundamentals of Nursing.
I watched Mosbys online nursing skills


I applied that knowledge in NFDN 1002 lab
when we were to practice HDC guided

Describe how you will apply this learning in

I will apply this learning in current practice

your current and future nursing practice.

by starting HDC with precision and care on a

patient during my continuing care clinical
I will apply this learning in my future practice
by taking my advanced critical thinking
knowledge acquired during my time in the
clinical settings with real patients, and
applying that knowledge to my future practice
as a practical nurse.

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