Middletown Public Schools School Data Team Action Research: A Guide For Turning Theory Into Practice

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Middletown Public Schools

School Data Team

Action Research
A Guide for Turning Theory into Practice
School: _________________
Date: ___________________
Members/Roles of the Team:
Facilitator: _______________
Recorder: ________________
Time/Focus Monitor: _______________

Discussion Summary

Notes: (record thinking and discussion points of the group)

Student Achievement Issue/Learner Centered Problem: (What are the most significant student performance issues that trouble our
school? Brainstorm issue using data, explain rationale for choice)

Problem of Practice/ Focus of Adult Action: (What thing (we control), if we change will positively impact student performance in this
area? How are we going to collect data regarding the change in practice formal evaluation data or school created assessments?)

Identify the most significant, high leverage practices that must change in order to achieve student SMART goals.

Student SMART goal: (for each identified issue)

Adult Action SMART goal: (for each identified issue)

Plan of Action/ Measures of Improvement

(What we are going to do to improve the identified practice closing the gap between our current
practice and exemplary practice)
Action Plan:


Create strategies to achieve

SMART goal. (Now that you know
where we you want to go you
need to develop a plan to get

Design a system to monitor progress on both sets of SMART goals.

Discussion Points:

How are we going to be able to tell if the performance of the students is improving?

How are we going to be able to tell if we are getting better at implementing our strategy?
(create a Standard, Rubric, or description of what exemplary implementation would like, and
use it to document growth)

Major step/activity (in order

& specific, include dates)
Include research and

What adults are doing

(audible and observable)

What students are producing

How do we collect data on

changes in our practice?

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