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Reckitt Benckiser Pakistan is a public limited company.

This is among the top

pharmaceutical and common house-hold products. RB has been operating in
Pakistan since 1951. And have made strong ground in Pakistan. Give tough
competition to the competitors like P & G Unilever etc. Reckitt is a well known brand
not only in Pakistan but globally. It is a multi-national corporation working in more
than 60 nations. It is popular for selling household products and medicines as well.
To compete and to live in this quickly changing environment RB has been doing
mergers and acquisition of many businesses and getting stronger day by day. RB is
also known for its CSR activities. Its working day and night to protect the
environment by using the technology which helps in reducing the CO2 emission
during their production. Reckitt Benckiser has a vertical structure with decentralized
power. The company follows a strict code of conduct. And gives high regards to it
employees form top level to the front line employees. Over the years, Reckitts has
been introducing Quality product, which meet consumer demand.

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