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Barcelona, 27th of March 2010

Ingredients For Ragù alla bolognese (Sauce)
• Lasagne 500 g • Meat bouillon 250 ml
• Parmigiano grated 200 gr • Butter 50 gr
• Bechamel 1 kg more or less • Beef meat hachée 500 gr
• Carots 2 or more (i like more!)
• Onion 1
• Milk 1 glass
• Olive oil 4 spoonfuls
• Pancetta (bacon) 100gr
• Salt and pepper
• Tomato sauce 250 ml
• Celery 1 piece
• Red wine

Cut onion, carots, celery in small cubes and put them in a large pan where you have previously
heated the olive oil and butter. Let the vegetables get a little brown. In the meantime cut pancetta
and add it in the pan together with the beef. Let the whole thing brown at a high heat. Add a
generous glass of red wine and let it evaporate, always at a high heat. Pour the tomato sauce,
bouillon, salt and pepper and let it cook at a lower heat until it is almost ready. Then add milk and
let it mix. The ragù is ready!
The next step is to compose the lasagne plate. Get the bottom of the plate “dirty” with a couple of
spoonfuls of ragù and then start with pasta. Then: Pasta→ Ragù → Bechamel → Parmigiano→
Pasta→ … On the last layer (Pasta→ Ragù → Bechamel → Parmigiano) be more generous with
Parmigiano and add a little of olive oil.
Cook as long as needed (usually 1 hour at 160°C, but depends on the thickness) and enjoy!

Besos and have a good Easter!


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